Blueprints for trunk

18 of 8 results
Priority Blueprint Design Delivery Assignee Milestone
5 Essential qutim-oscar-refactoring 7 Obsolete 0 Unknown
4 High actiongenerator 5 New 7 Good progress Ruslan Nigmatullin 0.3
4 High qutim-jabber 7 Obsolete 11 Implemented
4 High qutim-plugin-system 7 Obsolete 0 Unknown
4 High qutim-profile-system 7 Obsolete 0 Unknown
3 Medium proxy-support 5 New 7 Good progress Alexey Prokhin
3 Medium qutim-adium-clthemes 7 Obsolete 11 Implemented
3 Medium qutim-cl-refactoring 7 Obsolete 0 Unknown Daemon
18 of 8 results

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