Blueprints for 1.0

115 of 15 results
Priority Blueprint Design Delivery Assignee Milestone
5 Essential random-numbers 5 New 11 Implemented Alexandru Guduleasa 1.0.0b
4 High delimiter 5 New 11 Implemented Alexandru Guduleasa 1.0.0b
4 High float-numbers 5 New 11 Implemented Alexandru Guduleasa 1.0.0b
4 High man 5 New 11 Implemented Alexandru Guduleasa 1.0.0b
4 High unique 5 New 11 Implemented Alexandru Guduleasa 1.0.3
3 Medium bof 5 New 11 Implemented Alexandru Guduleasa 1.0.2b
3 Medium eof 5 New 11 Implemented Alexandru Guduleasa 1.0.0b
3 Medium escape-characters 5 New 11 Implemented Alexandru Guduleasa 1.0.0b
3 Medium examples 5 New 0 Unknown Alexandru Guduleasa 1.0.3
3 Medium man-page-archive 5 New 11 Implemented Alexandru Guduleasa 1.0.2b
3 Medium mask-number 5 New 11 Implemented Alexandru Guduleasa 1.0.3
3 Medium precision-float-numbers 5 New 11 Implemented Alexandru Guduleasa 1.0.0b
3 Medium watch-file 5 New 11 Implemented Alexandru Guduleasa 1.0.4
2 Low build-number 5 New 11 Implemented Alexandru Guduleasa 1.0.2b
2 Low version 5 New 11 Implemented Alexandru Guduleasa 1.0.0b
115 of 15 results

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