Develop a better way to share karma among launchpad users

Registered by Jim Hutchinson

This blueprint has been superseded. See the newer blueprint "Improving how users identify who helped to solve a problem" for updated plans.

Launchpad is a largely volunteer led effort and as such it is import to recognize the efforts of volunteers. Karma is a simple way to show the extent of each volunteer's efforts. Currently, karma is only awarded when someone asking a question marks a single answer as the one that solved the problem. There are, however, examples where the combined efforts of several people need to be acknowledged. There should be a way for someone asking a question to mark all answers that contributed to solving the problem. In addition, not everyone posts a new question when needing help. Some (perhaps many) take the time to search for an existing answer. If an existing answer is close but more help is needed, should we encourage users to reopen these answers and ask for additional help or post a new question. In order to minimize repetition, it seems wise to encourage the reopening of answers. Unfortunately, it is not possible for anyone responding to this type of question to receive any kind of recognition as only the original poster can mark something solved. There should be a way for users other than the original poster to mark an answer as having helped. Without such a system, there is less incentive for volunteers to spend their time answering these types of questions and those asking will be pushed toward opening new questions even when one is not really needed and thus decreasing the overall usability of launchpad.

Blueprint information

Jim Hutchinson
Needs approval
Series goal:
Milestone target:
Completed by
Jim Hutchinson

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2007-07-19: Rinchen - Jim, thanks for taking the time to write this up. As you know we've implemented the first suggestion which adds a link to create a new question. In talking with the main developer, the issue of multiple question owners as this spec suggests was discussed at length. We will not do it because is undermines who we track karma to award it. That is to say, so this would steal more karma than you had hoped to award. There are many ideas in this spec that we like (specifically: Awarding multiple answers (and karma) for contributing to a solution, allowing a user after the fact to flag the answer is still good), but we need one idea per spec. So, please follow the spec process as listed on the Ubuntu wiki and break the remaining items out into new launchpad specs with associated wiki spec entries.

2007-07-19: Jim Hutchinson. Thanks for the guidance Rinchen. I've done as you suggest. The new blueprint can be found here ->


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