Blueprints for grizzly

116 of 16 results
Priority Blueprint Design Delivery Assignee Milestone
5 Essential implement-v3-core-api 0 Approved 11 Implemented Dolph Mathews 2013.1
5 Essential rbac-keystone-api 0 Approved 11 Implemented Dolph Mathews 2013.1
5 Essential default-domain 4 Discussion 11 Implemented Dolph Mathews 2013.1
4 High ad-ldap-identity-backend 0 Approved 11 Implemented Jose Castro Leon 2013.1
4 High authtoken-to-keystoneclient-repo 0 Approved 11 Implemented Henry Nash 2013.1
4 High normalize-sql 0 Approved 11 Implemented Adam Young 2013.1
4 High replace-tenant-user-membership 0 Approved 11 Implemented Adam Young 2013.1
4 High stop-ids-in-uris 0 Approved 11 Implemented Guang Yee 2013.1
4 High user-groups 0 Approved 11 Implemented Henry Nash 2013.1
4 High trusts 2 Review 11 Implemented Adam Young 2013.1
3 Medium domain-name-spaces 0 Approved 11 Implemented Henry Nash 2013.1
3 Medium domain-role-assignment 0 Approved 11 Implemented Henry Nash 2013.1
3 Medium domain-scoping 0 Approved 11 Implemented Henry Nash 2013.1
3 Medium pluggable-identity-authenticatio... 3 Drafting 11 Implemented Guang Yee 2013.1
3 Medium multi-factor-authn 5 New 11 Implemented Guang Yee 2013.1
2 Low keystone-ipv6-support 4 Discussion 11 Implemented Adam Young
116 of 16 results

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