Current documentation for “DHIS 2 Academy”

To classify a blueprint as documentation, set the Implementation status to “Informational” When the blueprint's Definition status is marked “Approved”, it will appear in this listing.

android-create-sample-data for DHIS 2 Academy
Create sample data usable for the android application
Get to understand the jersey web service for the android part
Analyze current DHIS2 charts for DHIS 2 Academy
Analyze what can be improved in the existing DHIS2 charts, and find new suitable charts from JFreeChart.
Analyze functional adjustments for DHIS 2 Academy
Analyze if we need to do some functional adjustments. More specifically, do we need to add new pages to add new chart types.
There are many different chart-libraries for Java. Some better than others, and some providing possibilities different than the others. One thing that is interesting is rendering .svg-files.
Discuss more potential charts for DHIS 2 Academy
* Bubble charts: We might need to create a new page for creating bubble charts, because bubble charts are 3-dimensional: x- and y-axis, and the size of the 'bubble' on the x,y-coordinate. * Waterfall-charts * Dial-charts
Look into the API of GeoTools and determine whether this is a good way of implementing map features visualizing data from DHIS. We should figure out in GeoTools roughly the code involved to render a map similar to that of the current interactive version in DHIS (which uses google maps). Having a good basis map with...
When the GeoJSON coordinates are fed into OpenLayers, they are converted to other numbers. We need to find out how this conversion happens and if it's necessary to do the coordinate conversion in order to create an SVG file. Try looking into the source code of OpenLayers to see how it's done.
After having fetched data from the dhis applets, we need to unpack the JSON data and turn it into something we can use, preferrably a Java hash map or similar.
Update wiki under milestone 3 for DHIS 2 Academy
We need to update the wiki with more information and plans ahead. Also additional blueprints are needed.
Find out platform for Android Kenya and if there are other models. Talk with Lars.
Understanding the code for DHIS 2 Academy
Checkout the code and try to understand the parts that are relevant to our assignment
mssql-implement-six-new-methods for DHIS 2 Academy
implemented theese six new methods by copy paste String archivePatientData ( String startDate, String endDate ); String unArchivePatientData ( String startDate, String endDate ); String deleteRegularOverlappingPatientData(); String deleteArchivedOverlappingPatientData(); Strin...
mssql-import-database for DHIS 2 Academy
Import the postgresql database int MSSQL databasr
Understanding the Cave Framework and the concurrency concepts in the Java API. Therefor, read the Cave Framework Wikipage [1] and the tutorial on concurrency concepts in the Java API provided by Oracle [2] and get in touch with the code. Sources: [1] [2] http://do...
Get an overview over DHIS-2 functionality and where security policies are applied.

21 blueprint(s) listed.