Release Plan CLI Companion 1.0

Registered by Duane Hinnen

Release Plan
Overall Goal for 1.0series: Bring the application features and stability up to a level that makes CLICompanion an attractive tool to use everyday.

[Goal] Stability:
* Fix bugs from first public release: #DONE
* Fix bugs from last public release before 1.0 stable: #TODO
* Test all kinds of command input. Using the 'Add Command' feature what types of commands can we NOT save?
    EDIT: Only commands that have user input on the end work in the current public release 1.0rc. see bug lp:648963 #FIXED
    EDIT: Commands with double colons do not work. See #DONE (see lp:819038)

* Use CLIcompanion as your daily Terminal. Does it function well as just a Terminal, as well as a 'command dictionary'? #DONE
  EDIT: The addition of the gtk.expander really helped the program function better as a 'regular' Terminal.

[Goal] Features:
* Add a way to make commands easier to find. Tags, sections, or search. #DONE
* l18n (medium) #DONE
    EDIT: Some work needs to be done making sure all the strings in the app are being translated. See:
* Resizable window (medium) #DONE
    NOTE: Window was made smaller to accommodate netbooks and smaller screens
* Be able to have tabs (medium) #DONE
* Review and possibly expand the default command list (small) #DONE
NOTE: Before the final 1.0 release we need to review and the list and be certain we are happy with it.
* We need File, Edit, Help menus across the top, #IN PROGRESS
File --> Run
File --> New
File --> Remove
Help --> About
EDIT: We have a File menu done. We have a help menu but the menu entries do not open 'Help' or 'About'
EDIT: Help works, About still does not. SEE
EDIT: Also added some more menus (lp:623475) #DONE

Possible 2.0 Goals:
* GLADE for UI layout (large)
* Rethink the format the commands are stored and displayed. (CURRENT:: command: user_input: description) Is their any way to make the format more extensible. For example the 'history mode' idea. Could the same format be able to adapt to commands coming from different sources? (large) see bug lp:648963
EDIT: This was bumped up to 1.0

Brainstorm(Any and all ideas):
 * Different modes. Each mode would load a set(group) of commands. You could select 'All', 'Networking', 'System Tools', 'File management' for example.
     EDIT: This can be achieves using 'tags', for example, the command 'ifconfig -a' can have the tags system and networking, so the above is just a filter search.

 * Load commands from commandlinefu
    EDIT: lp:608608 , #DONE

 * Use to aid in development

* Profiles: so you can choose a predetermined terminal profile instead of changing the configuration for all the terminals #DONE

* More configuration options: like font type or font size (lp:910687) #DONE

* Possibility to change the default key bindings. #DONE

* URLs plugins, to match urls showed in the terminal and perform actions when clicked. (lp:923535) #FIX-SUBMITTED

Blueprint information

CLI Companion Development Team
CLI Companion Development Team
Needs approval
CLI Companion Development Team
Series goal:
Accepted for 1.0
Milestone target:
Started by
Duane Hinnen


The 1.0 Release Candidate will be the last public release before 1.0 stable is released. All bugs and features for 1.0 need to be in this milestone(1.0rc). Nothing new will be started after this milestone(1.0rc).
EDIT: It was decided that there were some important features and bug fixes that needed to introduced sooner rather then later. Because of this, and the amount of code that was changed, we have decided to do a Release Candidate 2.

Duane, we need an About page, and we need it in 1.0!
~D.H. +1


Work Items

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