PPA description

We want to rewrite the entire H3 engine (VCMI is NOT another mod) giving it new possibilities. Few years of intensive work resulted in creating application with impressive amount of features. Among current features are:

Support for HoMM 3 graphics and maps of any size
Scennario selection menu
Adventure map with all objects, sailing, casting spells
Complete town interface, hero window, exchange screen, kingdom overview, thieves' guild
Battles: handling most of spells, creature banks, sieges, stack queue, basic battle AI
Various game mechanics: grail, combined artifacts, hero specialities, win and loss conditions and more
High resolutions

VCMI is an open-source project - if you want help it, please contact us using our board.
You can obtain VCMI sources at
They are licensed under GNU GPL 2.0 or higher.

Adding this PPA to your system

You can update your system with unsupported packages from this untrusted PPA by adding ppa:wworld-rpg/vcmi to your system's Software Sources. (Read about installing)

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:wworld-rpg/vcmi
sudo apt update
Technical details about this PPA

This PPA can be added to your system manually by copying the lines below and adding them to your system's software sources.

deb precise main 
deb-src precise main 
Signing key:
1024R/1D1D4FFF3FC0616DD22F4D94E008E83F4294088D (What is this?)

For questions and bugs with software in this PPA please contact Alexander G. Kreslavsky-Smirnov.

PPA statistics

0 updates added during the past month.
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Overview of published packages

11 of 1 result
Package Version Uploaded by
vcmi 0.89-r2752 Alexander G. Kreslavsky-Smirnov ()
11 of 1 result

Latest updates

  • vcmi 625 weeks ago
    Successfully built