Reactor Monte Carlo code

PPA description

Reactor Monte Carlo code (Wang et al., 2013) is a 3D Monte Carlo particle (including neutron, photon, electron and positron) transport code developed by Reactor Engineering Analysis Laboratory (REAL), Department of Engineering Physics, Tsinghua University, Beijing, P.R. China. The development of RMC started in the year of 2000, devoting the manpower of more than 200 person-years, and has evolved to Version 3.5 which will be publicly released in 2021. Currently, RMC has been applied to the design and analysis of various types of nuclear energy systems including conventional reactors and novel concepts.

While meeting the basic requirements of reactor modelling and design, RMC also takes the characteristics of advanced and new concept reactor analysis into account during its development. The main features of RMC can be classified into three categories: basic features, extended features and auxiliary features. For basic features, RMC is capable of calculations on criticality, burnup and group constants generation applied to nuclear reactor core designs, fixed-source problems, shielding and activation analysis. For extended features, RMC can be applied to multi-physics and transient analysis and has been the first Monte Carlo code which finished the calculation of the BEAVRS two-cycle benchmark in 2017 (Wang et al., 2017). In addition and not limited to, Sensitivity and Uncertainty Qualification, continuous medium and random medium automatic refuelling and stochastics kinetics have already been developed in the RMC code. For auxiliary features, user-friendly I/O interface has been taken care of during the recent development and will be more convenient in the future. For more details or discussion on RMC, please visit our website and forum (

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sudo add-apt-repository ppa:thu-real/rmc
sudo apt update
Technical details about this PPA

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deb bionic main 
deb-src bionic main 
Signing key:
4096R/552812F4129C2D47CEA1F7FF258BFB9E1EF8BD80 (What is this?)

For questions and bugs with software in this PPA please contact REAL.

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rmc-pe 0.1 REAL ()
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  • rmc-pe 159 weeks ago
    Failed to build: i386