Blueprint workload

This page lists the specifications that Oops Tools development team is expected to work on, or is its creator.

Team member workload

The following people are all members of the Oops Tools development team team in Launchpad. We list each of their specification workloads so that you can get a sense of the overall workload balance.

101120 of 122 results

Ruha Javed has no outstanding specifications.

Samuel Olwe has no outstanding specifications.

Samuele Pedroni's specifications:

Priority Specification Definition Delivery Assign Draft Approve
1 Undefined appdev-1403-storage-apis 4 Discussion 0 Unknown      
1 Undefined service-1404-push-notifications 5 New 0 Unknown      

Seulkee Kang has no outstanding specifications.

Shane M. Pelletier has no outstanding specifications.

Simon Poirier has no outstanding specifications.

Simone Pelosi has no outstanding specifications.

Sophie Felder has no outstanding specifications.

Stagingstack ISD has no outstanding specifications.

Steve Rydz has no outstanding specifications.

Themistoklis Spanoudis has no outstanding specifications.

Tong Shinn has no outstanding specifications.

Tushar Gupta has no outstanding specifications.

Ubuntu One Auto Pilot has no outstanding specifications.

Ubuntu One hackers's specifications:

Priority Specification Definition Delivery Assign Draft Approve
5 Essential lucid-ubuntu-one-musicstore 0 Approved 8 Beta Available   X  
5 Essential lucid-ubuntu-one-contact-picker 4 Discussion 0 Unknown   X  
4 High lucid-ubuntu-one-symlinks-and-udfs 0 Approved 1 Not started   X  
3 Medium lucid-ubuntu-one-keyring-sync 4 Discussion 0 Unknown   X  
1 Undefined appdevs-ubuntuone-n-apis 0 Approved 5 Started      
1 Undefined multimedia-ubuntuone-n-shotwell-integration 0 Approved 2 Deferred      
1 Undefined multimedia-ubuntuone-n-distributed-media-library 3 Drafting 7 Good progress      
1 Undefined sync-with-google-contacts 5 New 0 Unknown X    
1 Undefined ubuntuone-bug-triage 5 New 0 Unknown X    

Ubuntu One PQM Team has no outstanding specifications.

Ulas Coskun has no outstanding specifications.

Usama Bin Nadeem has no outstanding specifications.

Victoria Romanova has no outstanding specifications.

Vladimir Cucu has no outstanding specifications.

101120 of 122 results