Publishing details


xbmc-pvr-addons (1.0.0~git20130416.0904-d37ec1d-0~raring) raring; urgency=high

  [Graeme Blackley]
   * Fixed several bugs: - Reducing logging during live tv and playback of recordings. - Now explicitly telling backend when live tv viewing ends, rather than relying on detection of the socket closing. This solves a problem some users were having with live tv buffer files left on the disk. - Fixed broken genre.

  [Fred Hoogduin]
   * [argustv-fix] fixed error that occurred when adding a Timer with " in the title

  [Lars Op den Kamp]
   * updated README for windows

  [Adam Sutton]
   * [tvheadend] fix return PTS when skipping

  [Adam Sutton]
   * [tvheadend] update addon version info

  [Adam Sutton]
   * [tvheadend] correct previous mistaken fix to webroot processing

  [Adam Sutton]
   * [tvheadend] update subscriptionSeek call to use abs PTS

  [Christian Fetzer]
   * [mythtv-cmyth] Release v1.6.9

  [Adam Sutton]
   * [tvheadend] ensure timeshiftStatus does not spam logs

  [Adam Sutton]
   * [tvheadend] added working seek support.

  [Christian Fetzer]
   * [mythtv-cmyth] Fix crash when starting Live TV after a failed attempt

  [Jörg Dembski]
   * [vuplus]: increment version number in

  [Jörg Dembski]
   * [vuplus]: Add several new features

  [Rainer Hochecker]
   * vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: bump version

  [Lucian Muresan]
   * vdr-vnsiserver Makefile vdr-1.7.36

  [Rainer Hochecker]
   * vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: redesign for timeshift, revised parsers

  [Rainer Hochecker]
   * vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: revised socket

  [Rainer Hochecker]
   * vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: osd - increase memory

  [Rainer Hochecker]
   * vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: trigger epg update

  [Rainer Hochecker]
   * vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: vdr osd

  [Christian Fetzer]
   * [mythtv-cmyth] Release 1.6.8

  [Marcel Groothuis]
   * [MediaPortal] Update version number and changelog

  [Marcel Groothuis]
   * [MediaPortal] Solve CppCheck warning about missing copy constructor

  [Marcel Groothuis]
   * [MediaPortal] Cleanup unused NoSignalStream related variables

  [Marcel Groothuis]
   * [MediaPortal] Added: Extra debug info on errors

  [Marcel Groothuis]
   * [MediaPortal] Setting recording play count is only supported since TVServerXBMC build 117

  [Marcel Groothuis]
   * MediaPortal: refactor: move loading card settings to separate function

  [Marcel Groothuis]
   * [MediaPortal] MultiFileReader: continue as soon as the buffer file has a non-zero length

  [Marcel Groothuis]
   * MediaPortal: search also for the genre_translation.xml file in the profile folder (userdata/addon_data/ This allows for storing a modified file at a writable location

  [Marcel Groothuis]
   * MediaPortal: channel icons: search also for these extensions: .jpg .jpeg .bmp .gif (Still Windows only)

  [Marcel Groothuis]
   * [MediaPortal] Channels: Use MediaPortal VisibleInGuide property as inverted IsHidden flag in XBMC. (requires TVServerXBMC build 120)

  [Marcel Groothuis]
   * [MediaPortal] Don't load other channel groups when the user selected to import channels from a single group.

  [Fred Hoogduin]
   * [argustv-fix] If we can not connect to the pvr server at startup do not return ADDON_STATUS_PERMANENT_FAILURE as this causes the add-on to become disabled.

  * Initial release
 -- wsnipex <email address hidden>   Fri, 21 Dec 2012 11:06:07 +0100

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