Blueprint workload
This page lists the specifications that MySQL Charm Maintainers is expected to work on, or is its creator.
MySQL Charm Maintainers is not currently responsible for any specifications that meet your criteria.
Team member workload
The following people are all members of the MySQL Charm Maintainers team in Launchpad. We list each of their specification workloads so that you can get a sense of the overall workload balance.
Abdullah Ayman Elsharnouby
has no outstanding specifications.
Adam Vest
has no outstanding specifications.
Adilcan Eren
has no outstanding specifications.
Ahmed Amin TAIBI
has no outstanding specifications.
Alan Baghumian
has no outstanding specifications.
Alejandro Santoyo Gonzalez
has no outstanding specifications.
Alex Batisse
has no outstanding specifications.
Alex Lutay
has no outstanding specifications.
Ali Rana
has no outstanding specifications.
Andreia Velasco Gomes
has no outstanding specifications.
Arif Ali
has no outstanding specifications.
Baby Philip
has no outstanding specifications.
Bikalpa Dhakal
has no outstanding specifications.
Billy Olsen's specifications:
Priority | Specification | Definition | Delivery | Assign | Draft | Approve |
3 Medium | integrate-maasive | 1 Pending Approval | 0 Unknown |
has no outstanding specifications.
Brandon Castillo
has no outstanding specifications.
Brian Haley
has no outstanding specifications.
Bryan Fraschetti
has no outstanding specifications.
Bui Hong Ha
has no outstanding specifications.
Canonical Charmers Lead
has no outstanding specifications.