Publishing details


craftos-pc (1:2.7.4-kinetic2) kinetic; urgency=medium

    CraftOS-PC v2.7.4 finally brings a wealth of new CC:T features, as well as a critical fix on Windows systems.

    * **Fixed critical crashing issue on Windows systems relating to ropes**
    * Updated CC:T version to 1.104.0
      * The shell now supports hashbangs (`#!`) (emmachase).
      * Error messages in edit are now displayed in red on advanced computers.
      * Improvements to the display of errors in the shell and REPL.
      * Fix `rednet` queueing the wrong message when sending a message to the current computer.
      * Fix the Lua VM crashing when a `__len` metamethod yields.
      * `table` methods and `ipairs` now use metamethods.
      * Argument errors now follow the standard "X expected, got Y" format.
      * Add `coroutine.isyieldable`.
      * Type errors now use the `__name` metatag.
      * `xpcall` now accepts arguments after the error function.
      * `speaker` program now reports an error on common unsupported audio formats.
      * multishell now hides the implementation details of its terminal redirect from programs.
      * `settings.load` now ignores malformed values created by editing the .settings file by hand.
      * Ignore metatables in `textutils.serialize`.
      * Fix `gps.locate` returning `nan` when receiving a duplicate location (Wojbie).
    * Added plugin support on iOS through in-app purchases
      * Use the `plugins` program to buy new plugin packs
      * Only one is available at the moment, featuring `ccemux`, `joystick`, and `sound`
    * Native `load` now uses Lua 5.2 syntax, matching Cobalt's behavior
    * Fixed crashing when calling `monitor.blit` when the cursor is off-screen
    * Fixed compilation error on newer Linux systems

    *If you need help using CraftOS-PC, I'm available on the [CraftOS-PC Discord server]( as `@JackMacWindows#9776`. Feel free to ping me if you need anything.*

 -- JackMacWindows <email address hidden>  Sat, 13 May 2023 23:16:15 +0000

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