Publishing details


craftos-pc-accelerated (2.5.5-groovy1) groovy; urgency=medium

    CraftOS-PC v2.5.5 is a relatively small update, but it brings some important fixes as well as a huge performance boost in most circumstances.

    * Disabled locks when modems aren't attached
        * This can improve speeds by up to 50%
        * If any modem is attached, speeds will drop back to pre-v2.5.5 levels
    * Rewrote HTTP handle read functions to improve reliability
    * Removed Origin header from WebSocket requests
    * Fixed behavior of table length to work more like CC:T
    * Fixed paste contents not being cut at the first newline
    * Fixed memory leak in file.readAll in binary mode
    * Fixed incorrect modulo result when {(a < 0 | b < 0) & |a| % |b| = 0}
    * Fixed hard crash on startup when a custom font file doesn't exist
    * Fixed crash when passing non-string in header table
    * Fixed crash when halting computer after it already closed
    * Fixed crash when an exception occurs while closing WebSocket in the middle of catching another exception
    * Possibly fixed a crash happening when connecting to a WebSocket

    *If you need help using CraftOS-PC, I'm available on the [CraftOS-PC Discord server]( as `@JackMacWindows#9776`. Feel free to ping me if you need anything.*

 -- JackMacWindows <email address hidden>  Sat, 17 Apr 2021 15:47:35 -0400

Available diffs


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