
PPA description

Bastio is an easy to use operating system user account provisioning tool to help
people with a lot of servers and users create and delete system user accounts.
Bastio saves you time by taking the pain out of user account provisioning, and
saves your users time by not requiring them to generate their own key-pairs while
allowing crypto-savvy members of your team the freedom to generate their own.
Install Bastio Agent on your servers to enable OS account provisioning and SSH
access management. No daunting configurations needed, all you have to do is specify
your API key and run the agent.

Adding this PPA to your system

You can update your system with unsupported packages from this untrusted PPA by adding ppa:databracket/bastio-agent to your system's Software Sources. (Read about installing)

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:databracket/bastio-agent
sudo apt update
Technical details about this PPA

This PPA can be added to your system manually by copying the lines below and adding them to your system's software sources.

Display sources.list entries for:
Signing key:
1024R/F6CF203315F33BF74E92AF2AEA1C3936AAAD562C (What is this?)

For questions and bugs with software in this PPA please contact databracket.

PPA statistics

0 updates added during the past month.
View package details

Overview of published packages

13 of 3 results
Package Version Uploaded by
bastio-agent 0.1.2-1 databracket ()
bastio-agent 0.1.2-1 databracket ()
bastio-agent 0.1.2-1 databracket ()
13 of 3 results

Latest updates

  • bastio-agent 575 weeks ago
    Successfully built
  • bastio-agent 575 weeks ago
    Successfully built
  • bastio-agent 575 weeks ago
    Successfully built