Comment 16 for bug 47775

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In , Michael (auslands-kv) wrote :

O.K. so I have disabled DynamicClocks (by commenting out the line) and I have
experienced four freezes since then.

I had the feeling that it took a bit more switching between the modes until a
freeze occured (appr. 5 to 10 switches while with DynamicClocks it often
happened on the second or third switch), but this is probably not significant.

One time I saw a very very nice color pattern on the external monitor such as
mentioned in comment 3. The other times the external monitor just showed that
the video frequency has changed and is "out of range" now. So no picture.

I used "xrandr -s X" to switch between the modes as well as CTRL-ALT-Keypad+/- .
Both methods lead to freezes.

Hope this helps. Anything else I can test?


Two (more or less) relevant additions:

1.) I simplified the MetaModes to
 Option "MetaModes" "1024x768 1280x1024 1024x768+1280x1024"
as these are the options that I really need: 1024x768 clone mode, when working
on the laptop and maybe a beamer attached. 1280x1024 clone mode or
1024x768-1280x1024 when working on the docking station.

Strange I found, that
a.) X always started in 1280x1024 clone mode, however only showing 1024x768 on
both monitors (with a virtual screen of 1280x1024)
b.) xrand only gave me the possibility to switch between 1024x768 and 1280x1024
clone mode (which at least gave me the expected results), not the xinerama like
setup. All Windows were repositioned correctly.
c.) switching with CTRL-ALT-Keypad+/- switched through all three modes but in
the clone modes there was always a 1280x1024 virtual screen area. No windows
were repositioned (and the the KDE kicker did not adapt either)

2.) What I always hate with such freezes is that data is lost on the harddisk.
I'm using ext3 and in the boot process you first see the journal recovering with
lots of inodes deleted, then the fsck yielding lots of errors, trying to correct
them and then finally a reboot. Awful :(

I already tried remounting the disk read-only via ALT-SYSRQ-u before switching
resolutions (and freezing the system), but I got the same disk errors on the
next boot. I guess I should find a ram disk based test environment. If anybody
has an idea?