XorgParser 0.4

* Commented lines inside of sections are now preserved
* Sections can be removed or commented out without information loss (in the latter case)
* Better documentation (docstrings clean-up)

Milestone information

Alberto Milone
Release registered:
No. Drivers cannot target bugs and blueprints to this milestone.  

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* xorgparser.py:
    - preserve commented lines inside sections too
    - add removeSection()
    - add commentOut{Option|SubOption|Section|SubSection}()
    o the new "Comments" key in self.globaldict contains commented options and
        subsections before these are merged into self.comments
    o when a whole section is commented out, its content and its subsections are
        immediately moved to self.comments
    o commented lines are not meant to be uncommented
    o commented lines are ignored by the validator
    - add getSubSections()
    o return the subsections contained in the section passed as an argument
    - separate __getOptionsToBlacklist() from removeOption() so that it can be shared
    with commentOutOption()
    - docstrings clean-up
* 0-test.py:
    - add tests for the new methods in xorgparser.py

0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

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