Feature to request a client takes a screenshot and uploads it back to the server

Registered by Alex Harrington

There should be a method in the server where you can request a screenshot of the client playing a specific layout, or specific media item (at a specific point in its play time) and have that screenshot uploaded back to the server for viewing.

This would be helpful to prove the correct operation of the client where it isn't possible to get remote access via VNC, and also for debugging purposes.

Blueprint information

Xibo Developers
Alex Harrington
Needs approval
Dan Garner
Series goal:
Accepted for 1.7
Milestone target:
milestone icon 1.7.0-alpha
Started by
Dan Garner
Completed by
Dan Garner

Related branches



Alex H: Dan and I have had a broad discussion about how the client will implement this. Dan has ideas about how the server interface should look. Notes to follow on the wiki once we start implementation.

-- 04/09/2011 Brad M: I agree, I run xibo in an environment that stretches 6 buildings on campus, and its not feasible to go round checking every display if I need to. A screenshot would be a great addition

-- 05/09/2014 Rafz: I've got that function working via bash script capturing screenshots with this command (in ubuntu 10.04)

import -window root -display :0 -crop 1920x1080 -compress jpeg -resize 960x540 "/tmp $(date +%m.%d.%y_at_%H.%M.%S).jpg"

and then sending it back every hour with cron as email attachment thru local smtp for lan client and thru gmail smtp for wan clients.

I remember that i asked for a "thumbnail screenshots page" blueprint back in 1.4 series, but it did not made its way as an implemented feature.


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