Replace the Pear::SOAP library with PHP5::SOAP or Zend::Soap

Registered by fisharebest

The remote linking code uses the SOAP protocol. The current (phpgedview) code uses the Pear::SOAP library. This is PHP4 code, and gives numerous warnings of deprecated syntax. We should use the PHP5::SOAP extension or Zend::Soap library, which is included in the Zend Framework, which is PHP5.

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webtrees team
Veit Olschinski
Needs approval
Veit Olschinski
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Accepted for trunk
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[volschin] I have sone some tries with Zend Soap. But I'm not sure if it is the best way. Why not use PHP5 SOAP extension?
Are there really so many providers having disabled this?

I suppose this decision was from PHP4, not having this SOAP extension. There is a switch in the actual code checking the PHP5 extension exists, and only if not it uses Pear::SOAP. There are some inconsistencies in the code, using some very minor parts of Pear::SOAP although PHP5 Soap is available.

[greg] <<Why not use PHP5 SOAP extension?>> There have been bug reports on PGV for users who do not have the Pear::SOAP library installed ( If we need to include include a SOAP library with the release, then having only one library (zend) seemed "a good idea".

This problem affects a tiny number of users - change priority to low?

Perhaps just use the PHP5 extension and do not bother with Pear? During setup, we check for installed extensions and warn that certain features (e.g. creating thumbnails, hebrew calendar, reports, etc.) do not work. Make this the same? Almost everyone has the extension and very few people use remote linking.

[volschin] Not really a problem, this is one of the two inconsistencies I know. The second one is the usage of a datatype from PEAR::SOAP library in PHP5 mode also. The first is very easy to handle, if we no longer support PEAR::SOAP this part of the OR statement can be deleted. But the datatype has to be replaced by something where there is no direct replacement in PHP5.

[lukasz] Should we close this?

[greg] We no longer have the remote-linking code, so we no longer need this.


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