New features in release 0.0.4

Registered by Peter Papp

1. Add error log
1.a. No need to log into file, only a string list in memory
1.b. Last 100 errors only
1.c. Menu to display error log

2. Online Radio Stations: Use shared station list
2.a. Host station list on the Internet
 - To be determined: Research availability of up-to-date database, or use static list for now
2.b. Cache locally, download once a week
2.c. "Unable to start" should remain local
2.d. Local cache and "Unable to start" must be common for all collections
 - Category selections must remain collection-specific
2.e. Remove Export and Import functionality
2.f. Station list viewer, with ability to reset "Unable to start" count
2.g. When a station is removed form the shared list, it must be removed from "Unable to start" upon download

3. "Love" track action in local file source
3.a. Prevents track from being added to "already played" list
3.b. We run out of tracks not only when there's no more to play, but also when all the tracks that left are tracks that were "loved" at some point
3.c. Once a track is "loved", it should have an "un-love" action
3.d This should be global just like "ban" is

4. Add the following fields to both the Globals object and the plugin API: description, author, author e-mail, copyright info, license info. Update the About box to use these fields for Waver instead of current constants, and also to display the same info for all plugins. Also add a privacy statement.

5. Add functionality for plugins to display diagnostic information
5.a. Plugins shouldn't emit diagnostic signals all the time, must have start end end slots
5.b. Diagnostic signal must be label - value pairs, both formatted string
5.c. Server component must make sure that diagnostic signals will not freeze the UI, ie. only one plugin at a time and no more than 20 refresh per second
5.d. Display in new menu item "Diagnostics"

6. Album art finder info plugin
6.a. Find album art cover on the internet if track does not have it already
6.b. Option to turn it off
6.c. Option to save image for local files

7. Free Music Archive plugin

Blueprint information

Peter Papp
Series goal:
Milestone target:
Started by
Peter Papp
Completed by
Peter Papp

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Item 1.c. This is placed in the Diagnostics menu

Item 2.a FINAL DECISION: SHOUTcast (this has effect on some of the other related items, most notably there will be no station list at all, as stations are queried from the SHOUTcast directory)

Item 6.b This will not be implemented, it's not needed, keep it ON all the time
Item 6.c This will not be implemented, it's not needed, just save all the time

Also made Source Plugin Priority selector. User can set, within limits, how many tracks to request from plugins. In conjunction with this, getPlaylist's maxCount parameter was renamed to trackCount to signify that from now on source plugins should do everything they can to return exactly as many tracks as requested. Source plugins were modified accordingly. Also there's a new signal, getReplacement, to be able to play another track instead of one that was unable to start.

Item 4. is partially postponed. After testing it, it looks kind of ridiculous, having all plugins repeating the same info. Therefore, there will be no separate about box for all plugins, at least for now, and the plugins will not have all those fields. But Globals do have all the fields and all text in the about box is populated from there.


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