Change logs for software-center source package in Precise

  • software-center (5.2.10) precise; urgency=low
      * debian/patches/local.patch:
        - Cannot install deb files without network connection (lp: #926763)
     -- Ritesh Khadgaray <email address hidden>   Fri, 15 Nov 2013 14:26:56 -0800
  • software-center (5.2.9) precise-proposed; urgency=low
      [ Brian Murray ]
      * software-center/
        - modify the OEM_CHANNEL_DESCRIPTOR path (LP: #1095823)
    software-center (5.2.8) precise-proposed; urgency=low
      [ Gary Lasker ]
      * lp:~gary-lasker/software-center/handle-trans-cancel-lp1027209-for-5.2:
        - backport of the transaction cancellation fix for bug LP: #1027209.
      [ Michael Vogt ]
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/robustness-lp1054070
        - cherry pick fix for corruption fix LP: #1054070
     -- Brian Murray <email address hidden>   Mon, 28 Jan 2013 09:14:24 -0800
  • software-center (5.2.7) precise-proposed; urgency=low
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/oem-descriptor-in-user-agent-5.2:
        - include the oem-channel descriptor in the custom user agent
          string (LP: #1042749)
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/auto-fill-email-for-login:
        - allow auto-fill of the email in if
          we have it (LP: #1042279)
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/fix-memleak-5.2:
        - fix two memory leaks when the cache is re-opened after
          a package has been installed/removed (LP: #1003466)
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/region-whitelist-5.2:
        - fix missing region whitelist support that is used by
          the software-center-agent (LP: #1006570)
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/downloader-fix-race839462-again-5.2:
        - fix a race condition in the SimpleFileDownloader when the file
          is downloaded but the signal did not get delivered yet by the
          gtk event loop (LP: #1055441)
     -- Michael Vogt <email address hidden>   Wed, 26 Sep 2012 09:39:43 +0200
  • software-center (5.2.6) precise-proposed; urgency=low
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/fix-lp870847-5.2:
        - fix incorrect validation pattern in modify_review call, this
          should fix the ablity of users to modify their reviews
          (LP: #870847)
      * test/gtk3/
        - skip some automatic tests are depend on host system state
     -- Michael Vogt <email address hidden>   Mon, 27 Aug 2012 12:03:48 +0200
  • software-center (5.2.5) precise-proposed; urgency=low
      [ Michael Vogt ]
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/fix-lp1009039:
        - fix treeview selection background (LP: #1009039)
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/fix-lp1011522:
        - fix bug where clicking on "Reinstall previous purchases" twice
          shows endless spinner (LP: #1011522)
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/click_url:
        - adds support for a "click_url" from the exhibits banner to
          support banners for things like the humble-bundle where we
          don't have packages but URLs (LP: #1020205)
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/hopefully-fix-lp1008229:
        - fix crash that can happen if there is an error while
          opening a deb file (LP: #1008229)
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/lp1026494:
        - typo fix in the hw description code (LP: #1026494)
      [ Gary Lasker ]
      * lp:~gary-lasker/software-center/unity-launcher-integration-fixes:
        - fix bug where for-purchase items are not being added to the Unity
          launcher (LP: #925014)
        - fix bug where the Unity launcher item for an application incorrectly
          points to its app-install-data desktop file rather than its installed
          desktop file (LP: #999427)
        - fix bug where an application's icon remains in the Unity launcher after
          the corresponding application has been uninstalled (LP: #981488)
        - fix bug where the Unity launcher fails to auto-hide after installation
          of a for-purchase item (LP: #1002440)
        - fix bug where items in the "Independent" section are not being added
          to the Unity launcher (LP: #1012877)
      * lp:~gary-lasker/software-center/tech-items-to-launcher-fix-lp1006483:
        - don't add an item to the launcher if its desktop file specifies
          NoDisplay=true (LP: #1006483)
      * lp:~gary-lasker/software-center/launcher-integration-unit-tests:
       - additional unit tests to round out the suite for the Unity
         launcher integration feature
      * lp:~gary-lasker/software-center/fix-lp969907-for-5.2:
        - fix race condition in _app_activated_cb() (LP: #969907)
     -- Michael Vogt <email address hidden>   Mon, 23 Jul 2012 16:38:04 +0200
  • software-center (5.2.4) precise-proposed; urgency=low
      [ Michael Vogt ]
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/lp970627:
        - fix intermittent crash when expunging the cache (LP: #970627)
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/lp971776:
        - fix crash when a downloaded image is invalid for whatever
          reason (network issues, proxy issues, pay-wall in between)
          (LP: #971776)
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/lp967036-2:
        - fix unicode error crash for people running with the
          LANGUAGE=zh_CN.UTF-8 or zh_TW.UTF-8 (LP: #967036)
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/cookie-jar:
        - fix paypal support in the purchases window (LP: #1018347)
      [ Gary Lasker ]
      * debian/control:
        - update vcs link to point to the 5.2 branch
      * lp:~gary-lasker/software-center/previous-purchase-sorting-lp873104:
        - return correct results when sorting the list of previous
          purchases (LP: #873104)
      * lp:~gary-lasker/software-center/recommendations-string-change-lp986437-for-5.2:
        - switch to the updated recommendations opt-in string now that the
          corresponding language pack updates are released and available
          (LP: #986437)
      * lp:~gary-lasker/software-center/fix-lp920741:
        - fix UnicodeDecodeError when a commercial app's title contains
          a unicode character (LP: #920741)
      [ Natalia Bidart ]
      * lp:~nataliabidart/software-center/cant-stop-the-music:
        - Stop the video if user navigates away from an app details page
          (LP: #1003954).
     -- Michael Vogt <email address hidden>   Thu, 28 Jun 2012 10:35:55 +0200
  • software-center (5.2.3) precise-proposed; urgency=low
      [ Robert Roth ]
      * lp:~evfool/software-center/lp987801:
        - Only show the version label once for each version in
          reviews (LP: #987801)
      * lp:~evfool/software-center/lp874430:
        - display tooltips for package titles in the application
          tiles of the lobby view (LP: #874430)
      * lp:~evfool/software-center/lp983831:
        - Avoid merging two words while normalizing description (LP: #983831)
      * lp:~evfool/software-center/lp822625:
        - Set default value for reviewstats histogram (LP: #822625)
      * lp:~evfool/software-center/lp875874:
        - Set word wrap with fallback to char wrapping for the review
          text label (LP: #875874)
      [ Gabor Kelemen ]
      * lp:~kelemeng/software-center/bug1001746:
        - merge i18n fix (LP: #1001746)
      [ Michael Vogt ]
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/lp872760-for-5.2:
        - fix translations for certain category names (LP: #872760)
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/lp987321:
        - fix dependency to ensure that we have humanity-icon-theme
          as we need it for the history view icons (LP: #987321)
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/test-catview-cleanup:
        - refactor unit tests for the catview
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/lp1002271:
        - fix regresion in 5.2.2 (LP: #1002271) for empty descriptions
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/lp1005104:
        - fix regression in 5.2.2 (LP: #1005104) in initial navigation
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/client-lp1004417:
        - client side fix for when exhibit package names contain
          extra whitespace (LP: #1004417)
      [ Gary Lasker ]
      * lp:~gary-lasker/software-center/fix-crash-lp1000238:
        - remove obsolete workaround for an old bug that has long since
          been fixed, this fixes a hard crash on Quantal (LP: #1000238)
      * lp:~gary-lasker/software-center/toolbar-buttons-insensitive-during-startup:
        - re-enable the fix for LP: #999486, LP: #994341 that was inadvertently
          disabled in the 5.2.2 release
      [ Natalia Bidart ]
      * lp:~nataliabidart/software-center/fix-977931:
        - Unified package string parsing into a single method that will be
          used from either the command line arguments, or from the dbus method
          'bringToFront'. This way, search will be consistent between all
          entry points. LP: #977931
        - Also added proper test suites for the above.
      * lp:~nataliabidart/software-center/fix-965093:
        - Fixed the SpinnerNtebook show_spinner method so the spinner page is
          not shown until the configured threshold is reached (250ms since
          this branch). Plus proper test suite was added.
      * lp:~nataliabidart/software-center/fix-986563:
        - Filtered out those exhibits that do not their packages available
          in the db (LP: #986563)
     -- Michael Vogt <email address hidden>   Mon, 04 Jun 2012 08:53:25 +0200
  • software-center ( precise-proposed; urgency=low
      * tweak timeout for the software-center-agent for the HIB
        (LP: #1007521)
     -- Michael Vogt <email address hidden>   Fri, 01 Jun 2012 19:08:25 +0200
  • software-center ( precise-proposed; urgency=low
      [ Gary Lasker ]
      * lp:~gary-lasker/software-center/toolbar-buttons-insensitive-during-startup:
        - re-enable the fix for LP: #999486, LP: #994341 that was inadvertently
          disabled in the 5.2.2 release
      [ Michael Vogt }
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/lp1002271:
        - fix regression in 5.2.2 (LP: #1002271) for empty descriptions
     -- Michael Vogt <email address hidden>   Thu, 24 May 2012 09:30:16 +0200
  • software-center (5.2.2) precise-proposed; urgency=low
      [ Michael Vogt ]
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/whatsnew-leak-lp985389:
        - search filter fix for the case when the "installed-only"
          filter leaks into subsequent searches (LP: #985389)
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/fix-lp994632:
        - add a dep to ensure we get the correct ubuntu-sso-client-gtk
          (LP: #994632)
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/proper-error-on-unknown-files:
        - show a proper error message when attempting to open unknown
          file types (LP: #944868)
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/lp921799:
        - fix crash when decoding screenshots JSON (LP: #921799)
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/lp959612:
        - fix crash when selecting the Installed view very quickly
          after startup (LP: #959612)
      [ Ken VanDine ]
      * lp:~ken-vandine/software-center/lp_982567:
        - Check if the proxy is enabled, if the proxy host is set but not
          enabled we shouldn't attempt to use the proxy (LP: #982567)
      [ Gary Lasker ]
      * lp:~gary-lasker/software-center/fix-crash-lp969732:
        - need to explicitly declare the needs-refresh signal in the
          AppTreeStore class to prevent a crash (LP: #969732)
      * lp:~gary-lasker/software-center/fix-crash-lp870822:
        - don't crash if we don't get a pkgversion object back
          (LP: #870822)
      * lp:~gary-lasker/software-center/fix-shutdown-crash-lp996333:
        - never crash when writing out the software center config file on
          shutdown (LP: #996333)
      * lp:~gary-lasker/software-center/fix-makedirs-race-crashes:
        - fix crash on race when creating the cache or config directories
          (LP: #743003, LP: #621182)
      * lp:~gary-lasker/software-center/fix-crash_lp973379:
        - ensure that the cache is ready before using the recommender
          service (LP: #973379 )
      * lp:~gary-lasker/software-center/toolbar-buttons-insensitive-during-startup:
        - set the toolbar buttons insensitive for the duration of time that the
          lobby panels are initializing (LP: #999486, LP: #994341)
      [ Robert Roth ]
      * lp:~evfool/software-center/bug532072:
        - escape markup for support info and license (LP: #993279)
        - ellipsize summary at trailing end (LP: #532072)
      * lp:~evfool/software-center/lp626037:
        - subtle background color tweak for consistency
          between views (LP: #626037)
      * lp:~evfool/software-center/lp835005:
        - no need for the software-properties dialog to be modal
          to software-center (LP: #835005)
      * lp:~evfool/software-center/lp839389:
        - don't display an "icon not found" image in the Unity
          launcher when a report a review window is opened (LP: #839389)
      * lp:~evfool/software-center/867588:
        - capitalize the first letter of the package summary
          (LP: #867588)
      * lp:~evfool/software-center/lp876657:
        - make sure the search field does not disappear when an
          install or remove is in progress (LP: #876657)
      * lp:~evfool/software-center/lp987797:
        - fix alignment in the reviews part of the appdetails (LP: #987797)
      * lp:~evfool/software-center/lp844768:
        - show a indeterminate progress bar when software-center waits for
          another packagemanager to exit (LP: #844768)
      [ Dave Morley ]
      * lp:~davmor2/software-center/add-performance:
        - test code change only! add memory and cpt stats to the
          test script
     -- Michael Vogt <email address hidden>   Tue, 15 May 2012 20:22:02 +0200
  • software-center (5.2.1) precise-proposed; urgency=low
      [ Michael Vogt ]
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/lp977179:
        - make the review UI react correctly to conditions of network
          availability (LP: #977179)
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/fix-crash-deb-file-size-calc:
        - fix crash when installing a deb file that is not found in
          the current apt cache
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/lp981992:
        - fix a crash in the new a11y code if there is a row that has
          no data or is not yet preloaded (LP: #981992)
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/fix-gmenu-searcher:
        - fix the menu searcher for non-Unity configurations after
          the app-install-data-ubuntu file layout changed
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/lp808455:
        - trivial fix for crash on downstream distros (LP: #808455)
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/lp927262:
        - fix crash when get_vadjustment() returns None (LP: #927262)
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/utf8-fixes:
        - fix various utf8-related crashes (LP: #943500, LP: #922225,
          LP: #917755)
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/gwibber-utf8-lp985255:
        - fix a utf8 crash in the gwibber integration (LP: #985255)
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/workaround-gtk-regression-lp986186:
        - workaround performance issue with the Gtk.TreeView.set_model()
          call when there is a cell_data_func attached. Not every user is
          affected (settings dependant somehow), but when affected it causes
          a massive performance degration for huge list models like "System"
          (LP: #986186). This branch works around the problem by disconnecting
          the cell_data_func before setting the new model.
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/fix-clear-credentials-race:
        - fix an incorrect use of the sso dbus backend, we now correctly
          wait until it emits a CredentialsCleared signal (LP: #986117)
      [ Gary Lasker ]
      * lp:~gary-lasker/software-center/add-to-launcher-after-auth-lp972710:
        - fix bug where an application will be added to the Unity launcher
          in the case where the user cancels the installation auth dialog
          (LP: #972710)
      * lp:~gary-lasker/software-center/recommendations-sso-login-lp973612:
        - fix bug where the recommendations opt-in panel is hidden if
          the user declines the SSO dialog after opting in (LP: #973612)
        - fix the user experience if the user has previously opted-in to
          recommendations and their SSO token is found have been removed
          or revoked or otherwise found to be invalid (LP: #967064)
        - improve the responsiveness of the spinner in the recommendations
     -- Michael Vogt <email address hidden>   Thu, 26 Apr 2012 09:47:19 +0200
  • software-center (5.2) precise; urgency=low
      [ Michael Vogt ]
      * debian/control:
        - recommend xz-lmza instead of lzma (LP: #878354)
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/track-axi-changes:
        - add a monitor for changes in the apt-xapian-index to ensure
          the DB is reopened if the cron job changes the apt-xapian-index
          database (LP: #507836)
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/lp970342:
        - do not crash if the parent goes away (and therefore the pipe)
          and the token can not be obtained (LP: #970342)
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/lp967036:
        - fix UnicodeDecodeError crash for apps with hardware
          requirements in the details view (LP: #967036)
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/list-a11y:
        - restore the a11y support for orca/accerciser/ldtp for
          the listview and treeview
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/lp979013:
        - fix a bug in the review display for certain language
          environments (LP: #979013)
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/appview-tweaks:
        - code cleanup in the sortmode code
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/lp772549:
        - fix a bug that can result in a blank software center
          screen on startup (LP: #772549)
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/lp914393:
        - adds an explicit sys.exit() to ensure all gtk event
          processing is stopped on application quit (LP: #914393)
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/lp976169:
        - do not crash if apt-xapian-index is not installed
          (LP: #976337)
        - ignore xapian.DatabaseOpeningError here (happens when
          there is no a-x-i so we don't care) (LP: #976169)
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/lp976525:
        - do not show "upgradable" button when there should be "remove"
          (LP: #976525)
      [ Gary Lasker ]
      * lp:~gary-lasker/software-center/sorting-fix-lp969215:
        - fix sort combo box inconsistencies (LP: #969215)
      [ Dave Morley ]
      * lp:~davmor2/software-center/remove_two_lines:
        - small fixes for test script
      [ Kiwinote ]
      * sc/ui/gtk3/widgets/
        - everyone tries to expand a category in the installed pane by clicking
          on the text rather than the expander arrow (LP: #877130)
     -- Michael Vogt <email address hidden>   Fri, 13 Apr 2012 18:35:13 +0200
  • software-center ( precise; urgency=low
      [ Michael Vogt ]
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/config-tweak:
        - cleanup concerning always having a 'general' section in the cfg file
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/pygi-properties-fixes:
        - properly initialize the properties in CellRendererAppView as required
          for pygi, fixes crash on network events (LP: #965937)
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/lp977889:
        - fix the disappearing list view sort combobox (LP: #977889)
      [ Gary Lasker ]
      * lp:~gary-lasker/software-center/recommends-more-button-lp971567:
        - correctly render 'more' button in recommendations panel (LP: #971567)
      * lp:~gary-lasker/software-center/show-technical-items-lp955030:
        - make 'show n technical items' appear clickable again (LP: #955030)
      * lp:~gary-lasker/software-center/fix-crash-lp969737:
        - fix an intermittent crash that can occur when saving the vertical
          position of the installed pane treeview on a cache refresh
          (LP: #969737)
      * lp:~gary-lasker/software-center/fix-crash-lp970157:
        - Small fix for a crash that can happen during the installed view
          treeview initialization (LP: #970157)
      * lp:~gary-lasker/software-center/fix-crash-lp968988:
        - Fix crash bug LP: #968988 by making sure that there is always
          a tree_view.selected_row_renderer
      * lp:~gary-lasker/software-center/remember-sort-preference-lp966878:
        - Fix for bug LP: #966878 to not reset the user's sorting preference
          if they have set one
      [ Nekhelesh Ramananthan ]
      * lp:~nik90/software-center/add_keywords_new:
        - added keywords to the desktop file for better search criteria
          (LP: #977175)
      [ Sebastian Heinlein ]
      * lp:~glatzor/software-center/fix-977020:
        - fix software-center error dialogs for errors other than
          (LP: #977020)
        - Allow to repair an incomplete installation (partially fixes
          LP: #659438)
      [ Kiwinote ]
      * lp:~kiwinote/software-center/lp951557:
        - don't duplicate text on paste (LP: #951557)
     -- Michael Vogt <email address hidden>   Tue, 10 Apr 2012 19:21:21 +0200
  • software-center ( precise; urgency=low
      * lp:~gary-lasker/software-center/recommender-profile-uploads-lp944693:
        - upload new recommender_profile if needed (LP: #944693)
     -- Michael Vogt <email address hidden>   Mon, 02 Apr 2012 19:12:25 +0200
  • software-center (5.1.14) precise; urgency=low
      [ Michael Vogt ]
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/lp962580:
        - add locking to the expunge helper process to fix bugs that are triggered
          if multiple expunge cache processes are run (LP: #962580)
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/cache-refresh-glitch:
        - ensure that we get a full refresh if a pkg was not available before
          show_app is called
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/lp940482:
        - fix crash if the debfile does not return proper utf8 for the
          description (LP: #940482)
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/lp966514:
        - properly handle network disconnect conditions with the Ubuntu
          SSO dialog (LP: #966514)
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/lp966879:
        - fix for crashes in the installed view treeview (LP: #966879,
          LP: #950899)
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/lp846204:
        - fix ValueError crashes in get_iter due to invalid tree paths
          (LP: #846204)
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/lp964433:
        - disconnect the model from the view before calling set_from_matches
          (LP: #964433)
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/treeview-keep-state-on-db-cache-change:
       - restore the state of the installed view treeview when the
         the db or cache changes, such as on an app install or remove
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/946393:
       - fix installing multiple apps when in a custom list view (LP: #946393)
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/lp969050:
       - disconnect the view when the model is cleared to avoid a furry of
         cursor_changed signals as the rows get removed (LP: #969050)
      [ Gary Lasker ]
      * lp:~gary-lasker/software-center/installed-pane-refresh:
        - avoid rebuilding the treeview in the installedpane if its not
          required (LP: #828887)
      * lp:~gary-lasker/software-center/fix-crash-lp967036:
        - Small branch to fix a crash due to a UnicodeDecodeError when accessing
          the short description for H/W requirements (LP: #967036)
      * lp:~gary-lasker/software-center/fix-crash-lp935930:
        - fix a crash due to a UnicodeDecodeError (LP: #935930)
     -- Michael Vogt <email address hidden>   Fri, 30 Mar 2012 18:00:50 +0200
  • software-center ( precise; urgency=low
      [ kiwinote ]
      * looks like the latest gtk causes us to receive less style-updated
        signals, call init_sc_css_provider explicitly so we don't loose our
        custom theming (LP: #961102)
      [ Paolo Rotolo ]
      * data/ui/gtk3/SoftwareCenter.ui:
         - fix string from "Terms of Service" to "Terms of Use" (LP: #963309).
      [ Gary Lasker ]
      * lp:~gary-lasker/software-center/tos-urls-lp961538:
        - use a different url for the inline ToS dialog (LP: #961538)
      * lp:~gary-lasker/software-center/fix-crash-lp960742:
        - do not crash if file can not be unlinked (LP: #960742)
      * lp:~gary-lasker/software-center/tos_buy_button_fix_lp961216:
        - This branch fixes bug LP: #961216, where the "Buy" button on the
          details page and listview stays insensitive after declining the
          ToS dialog
      * lp:~gary-lasker/software-center/fix-crash-lp961198:
        - make recommendations menu available once the available pane is
          ready (LP: #961198)
      [ Michael Vogt ]
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/builder_get_cleanup:
        - cleaner way to get menuitems
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/lp-955346:
        - draw stars with 1px border to get crisper stars (LP: #955346)
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/fix-purchase-accept-crash:
        - fixes crash when accepting tos on system without s-c config file
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/lp962927:
        - fix race condition on creating cache dir (LP: #962927)
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/lp964918:
        - do not raise an exception in the case of multiple origins,
          instead log a warning and do the right thing in the UI
          (LP: #964918)
      [ Dave Morley ]
      * lp:~davmor2/software-center/lp965222:
        - add ldtp based statup time helper
     -- Michael Vogt <email address hidden>   Mon, 26 Mar 2012 19:02:24 +0200
  • software-center ( precise; urgency=low
      [ Kiwinote ]
      * softwarecenter/ui/gtk3/
        - fix UnboundLocalError in expand_path() (LP: #960260)
      [ Michael Vogt ]
      * softwarecenter/ui/gtk3/
        - do not crash if no http_proxy is found in the environnment
          (thanks to Vincent Untz)
     -- Michael Vogt <email address hidden>   Tue, 20 Mar 2012 18:33:40 +0100
  • software-center (5.1.13) precise; urgency=low
      [ Anthony Lenton ]
      * lp:~elachuni/software-center/pep8-test-part5,
        - many, many, many pep8 fixes
      * lp:~elachuni/software-center/unify-ussoc-envvar:
        - fix USSOC_SERVICE_URL env variable
      [ Gabor Kelemen ]
      * lp:~kelemeng/software-center/bug953812: (LP: #953812)
        - Translate review sorting criteria
        - Fix the Recommendation spinner text translations
      [ Michael Vogt ]
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/small-sso-fixes:
        - fix the clear_credentials() call if a token is no
          longer valid
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/lp955005:
        - don't display ratings for the case where an app
          cannot be found (LP: #955005)
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/opengl-driver-blacklist:
        - add support for video driver blacklisting
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/lp856559:
        - fix case where the search term is not always
          cleared in the search entry (LP: #856559)
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/misc-fixes:
        - when a package can not be authenticated, do not fail
          (hard) but instead offer to "repair" the situation using
          a "reload" and try the install again (LP: #876278)
        - do not crash in if os.makedirs has a race condition
          (LP: #956680)
        - fix the proxy handling with 12.04 as the "enabled" property
          is deprecated now. it will also not mess with the proxy
          environment on non-gnome systems (LP: #742564)
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/lp780812:
        - ensure that the distroseries is updated in the sources
          deb line when updating a purchased item (LP: #780812)
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/recommendations-opt-out:
        - fix double-results when opting-in and back out of of
          the recommendations service repeatedly
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/tos-dialog:
        - display a terms-of-service dialog before the first purchase
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/lp957599:
        - add a new unit test
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/track-db-open:
        - improve db logging
      [ Gary Lasker ]
      * lp:~gary-lasker/software-center/fix-lp955048:
        - String fix for the "Recommended For You" panel. LP: #955048
      * lp:~gary-lasker/software-center/fix-lp856559:
        - Clears the search entry field before doing a reinstall
          previous purchases (LP: #856559)
      * lp:~gary-lasker/software-center/recommendations-categories-view:
        - display recommendations in the category views as well
      * lp:~gary-lasker/software-center/recommendations-opt-out:
        - implements the recommendations opt-out feature as specified
          in the SoftwareCenter spec
      * lp:~gary-lasker/software-center/number-recommended-items-per-spec:
        - simple branch that updates the number of recommended items displayed
          in the panels per spec
      * lp:~gary-lasker/software-center/fix-crash-lp951238:
        - fix for a crash that can occur if we get a refresh_apps
          before the app_view pane is ready LP: #951238
      * lp:~gary-lasker/software-center/fix-crash-lp943605:
        - Don't crash if a valid value for the version is not returned
          by the call to _get_version_for_archive_suite (LP: #943605)
      * lp:~gary-lasker/software-center/recommends-panel-visual-tweaks-lp942109:
        - addresses the remaining visual tweaks for the recommendations
          opt-in panel
      [ Kiwinote ]
      * lp:~kiwinote/software-center/less-is-more,
        - clean out a bunch of unused code / files
      * software-center/ui/gtk3/widgets/
        - play catchup with Gtk overrides (LP: #959530)
      * lp:~kiwinote/software-center/ellipses:
        - fix use real ellipses instead of "..." in the new string
      * lp:~kiwinote/software-center/markupescape-and-utf8-fixes:
        - fix utf8 issues and markup escaping
     -- Michael Vogt <email address hidden>   Tue, 20 Mar 2012 11:53:06 +0100
  • software-center (5.1.12) precise; urgency=low
      [ Michael Vogt ]
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/webcam-string-fix:
      - small fix to support the debtagshw updated tags for hardware::camera
        (split into webcam,digicam now)
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/trivial-nm-state-override:
        - support the SOFTWARE_CENTER_NET_CONNECTED environment value to
          force the connected state as a stopgap workaround for bug 911706
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/lp941361:
        - adds a general make_string_from_list() helper to build (somewhat)
          i18n friendly human readable strings easily (LP: #941361)
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/expunge-cache:
        - merge os.nice() addition
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/lp789596:
        - better (less scary) string for updates from third-party
          venders (LP: #789596)
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/fix-refresh-of-whats-new:
        - fix missing refresh of the what's new content on a database
          reopen so that new content from the agent appears as soon
          as it finishes the update
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/review-fixes:
        - ensure ui is correctly updated after submitting/modifying review
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/simulate-slow-network:
        - add a small helper to simulate a slow network connection to
          see if we have hidden latencies in the UI when the network
          is (really) slow
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/top-rated-refresh:
        - ensure that the top-rated apps are refreshed when we have new data
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/apptreeview-tweaks:
        - fix 'load_range" errors when navigating the installed view
          (LP: #913675), and do some nice needed refactoring/cleanup
      [ Anthony Lenton ]
      * lp:~elachuni/software-center/dont-store:
        - consolidate Ubunty SSO logins to use "Ubuntu Software Center", fixes
          inconsistent UI and storing of two keys in they keyring, as well as
          being prompted to log in twice the first time that you review an app
      * lp:~elachuni/software-center/pep8-test,
        - add a unit test to check code statically for pep8 compliance and update
          more and more of the code to meet it
      [ Gary Lasker ]
      * lp:~gary-lasker/software-center/fix-crash-lp944875:
        - Fix an intermittent crash that can happen if the installed view pane
          has not been built yet when a call to show the spinner is made as a
          result of a refresh (LP: #944875)
      * lp:~gary-lasker/software-center/list-view-icon-coordinates-lp947624:
        - This branch adds support for providing the correct icon size and
          on-screen coordinates values in the Unity launcher integration dbus
          call when an installation is initiated via the list view
          (LP: #947624)
      * lp:~gary-lasker/software-center/enable-published-date-unit-test:
        - unit test change only, enable the published-date unit test that was
          disabled pending deployment of support on the staging server
      [ Natalia Bidart ]
      * lp:~nataliabidart/software-center/one-auth:
        - use consistently the same app name for every Ubuntu SSO call to
          ensure SSO tokens are handled properly
     -- Michael Vogt <email address hidden>   Fri, 09 Mar 2012 08:55:46 +0100
  • software-center (5.1.11) precise; urgency=low
      [ Michael Vogt ]
      * softwarecenter/ui/gtk3/views/
        - only set vadj/hadj if we have the objects for it (LP: #941384)
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/get-installed-apps-instead-of-pkgs:
        - refactor to move the recommender UUID code into the back end,
          add a mock test for the submit_profile call to the server
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/region-blacklist:
        - add support for filtering out apps that are blacklisted for certain
          regions such that they will not appear in any searches anymore
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/installed-view-speedup:
        - remove an unused notebook in the installed view to speed up
          opening software center with an already installed package
      * softwarecenter/ui/gtk3/widgets/
        - fix per-app recommendations show/hide logic
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/spinner-fixes:
        - consolidate various instances of the spinner notebook and instead
          use a single SpinnerNotebook class everywhere
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/recommender-fixes:
        - tiny fixes to make the recommendations-for-you actually work
          with the server
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/expunge-cache:
        - add a helper that keeps the cache clean from cached 301/404 etc
          responses, it also offers cleanup by mtime but that is currently
          not used (only tested)
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/lobby-recommends-fixes:
        - add test for recommender-opt-in behavior
      [ Kiwinote ]
      * softwarecenter/db/
        - index 'Keywords' entries from desktop files in addition to the
          already supported 'X-AppInstall-Keywords' entries
      * softwarecenter/ui/gtk3/widgets/
        - increase delay between the 'load-finished' signal from webkit and us
          actually trying to get a pixbuf of the surface - this means that the
          initial banner is actually rendered properly rather than plain white
      * softwarecenter/ui/gtk3/widgets/
        refactor _show_opt_in_view:
        - use normal sized text rather than big text
        - use saner padding values
        - resolve unescaped markup issues
        - line wrap text so we don't get horizontal scrollbar (LP: #933497)
      [ Gary Lasker ]
      * lp:~gary-lasker/software-center/get-installed-apps-instead-of-pkgs-tweaks:
        - unit test and other small needed fixes, further simplification of
          the recommender UUID code
      * lp:~gary-lasker/software-center/lobby-recommends-fixes:
        - fix recommender opt-in
     -- Michael Vogt <email address hidden>   Thu, 01 Mar 2012 20:11:27 +0100
  • software-center (5.1.10) precise; urgency=low
      [ Michael Vogt ]
      * revert again:
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/lp917096:
        - fix crash when opening a debfile and add regression test
          (LP: #917096)
      * softwarecenter/
        - trivial change to make region tag prefix "iso3166::" to align
          with the latest debtags upstream plans
      [ Kiwinote ]
      * softwarecenter/ui/gtk3/
        - disable navigating back by pressing the backspace key because it has
          started showing dodgy side effects - use ctrl+[ or alt+LEFT instead
      * remember the scroll position when navigating back to a list view,
        this only works in the available pane (LP: #852763)
      * correctly theme the channel selector menus (LP: #921477)
      * trigger pot file rebuild
      [ Barneedhar (jokerdino) ]
      * softwarecenter/
        - fix broken string (LP: #936403)
      [ Stéphane Graber ]
      * utils/piston-helpers/ Fix weblive helper to work with
        Precise's python-x2go.
     -- Michael Vogt <email address hidden>   Thu, 23 Feb 2012 16:58:30 +0100
  • software-center (5.1.9) precise; urgency=low
      [ Gabor Kelemen ]
      * lp:~kelemeng/software-center/bug926743:
        - Mark strings for translation, add translator comment where needed
          (LP: #926743)
      [ Michael Vogt ]
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/latest-recommender:
        - import latest recommender client
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/dynamic-region-menu:
        - allow dynamic template in the file, currently
          supported is ${CURRENT_REGION}. This allows to build a dynamic
          "Your region" menu once we actually tag packages with the region
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/sca-video:
        - add the ability to display embedded videos in the application
          details view
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/multiple-screenshots:
        - add support for the display of multiple screenshots in the
          application details view, as provided by the software-center-agent
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/submit-review-hang-fix:
        - fix hang when submitting a review on precise
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/screenshots-sorting:
        - ensure the multiple screenshots are sorted properly when
          they come from the json API
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/sca-video-updates:
        - update the client to follow the server side changes for
          videos from software-center-agent
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/video-ui-reshuffle:
        - shuffle the video location around a bit in the view to
          ensure the user finds it more easily
      * increase dependency on python-apt for the required
        apt_pkg.DepCache.policy_priority() support
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/sca-debtags:
        - fix the debtags parsing from the software-center-agent
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/multiple-versions:
        - add support for multiple versions into software-center
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/fix-recommenations-details-clicks:
        - fix clickthru of details view recommendations after refactor
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/rfc3166-use-common-name:
        - ensure that "common_name" in rfc3166 is used when available
          to avoid political issues around the name of the region
      [ Kiwinote ]
      * data/ui/gtk3/css/*.css:
        - use 'px' suffixes as required by latest gtk
      * softwarecenter/ui/gtk3/views/
        - replace ... and ' with their unicode eequivalents (LP: #844799)
      * softwarecenter/db/
        - don't crash if the version nr associated with a screenshot is None
      [ Gary Lasker ]
      * lp:~gary-lasker/software-center/recommender-service-url:
        - update to the correct production url for the recommender
      * lp:~gary-lasker/software-center/import-latest-sreclient:
        - import latest recommender client
      * lp:~gary-lasker/software-center/recommendation:
        - implement the recommendations opt-in UI and flow, upload
          of the user profile data after opt-in, and display of
          per-application recommendations in the details view
      * lp:~gary-lasker/software-center/temp-disable-lobby-recommendations-view:
        - temporarily hide the lobby recommendations opt-in and display
          view pending rollout of the corresponding support on the
          production server
      [ Juhana Jauhiainen ]
      * softwarecenter/backend/
        - replaced EDGE_SERVICE_ROOT with LPNET_SERVICE_ROOT. (LP: #737697)
     -- Michael Vogt <email address hidden>   Wed, 15 Feb 2012 19:19:32 +0100
  • software-center (5.1.8) precise; urgency=low
      [ Michael Vogt ]
      * softwarecenter/db/
        - trivial fix to skip unreadable app-install-data files
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/device-profiles:
        - implement the hardware-requirements display in
          the detailsview
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/arb-partner-channels:
        - add support for and
          channel detection and adding via software-center-agent
      * data/
        - do not show "X-Publishing" in education because the
          software-center-agent will send "X-Publishing;Education" for
          compatibility with the old clients
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/fix-cachedir-for-public-api:
        - add missing cachedir argument
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/region-support:
        - add support for a region tag and display a warning to
          the user if an application is not suitable for their
      [ Brendan Donegan ]
      * lp:~brendan-donegan/software-center/test_utils_get_nice_date_string:
        - add a test function in which covers all of
      [ Gary Lasker ]
      * lp:~gary-lasker/software-center/launcher-integration-lp761851:
        - update to the Unity launcher integration implementation to
          support the revamped functionality on the Unity side (LP: #761851)
      * lp:~gary-lasker/software-center/recommends-ui-lobby:
        - initial recommends UI implementation, limited to non-personalized
          recommends currently
      * lp:~gary-lasker/software-center/appdetailsview-button-focus-fix:
        - make sure the action button in the applications details view
          always gets the initial focus (LP: #925613)
     -- Michael Vogt <email address hidden>   Fri, 03 Feb 2012 18:34:43 +0100
  • software-center (5.1.7) precise; urgency=low
      [ Anthony Lenton ]
      * lp:~elachuni/software-center/any-language:
        - add support to display reviews in any language
      * lp:~elachuni/software-center/reset-review-page:
        - Small bugfix to ensure that switching language or
          reviews sort method resets the reviews page, and
          added tests.
      * lp:~elachuni/software-center/relax-origin-distroseries:
        - provide "relaxed" mode for fetching reviews if the exact
          review matcher does not find anything (LP: #766951)
      * lp:~elachuni/software-center/disable-new-review:
        - This branch disables the "Submit a new review" button when
          you click it, and reenables it when the submit review dialog
      * lp:~elachuni/software-center/reviews-tests:
        - add several new tests for code in the review_gui_helper module
      [ Michael Vogt ]
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/improve-debug-in-piston-generic-helper:
        - improve debug output of piston-generic-helper and a README
          with examples how it can be used to debug server side issues
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/review-language-i18n:
        - make the language selection combo in the reviews widget
          nicer by adding a proper i18n name to it
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/trivial-move-gui-helpers:
        - move to softwarecenter/ui/gtk3/
          as it belongs there and add to
      [ Michael Nelson ]
      * lp:~michael.nelson/software-center/833982-purchased-app-not-available,
        - refactor/cleanup parser code and update for API 2.0 (LP: #917137)
      * lp:~michael.nelson/software-center/every-comm-app-already-purchased:
        - non-purchased apps should not have '(already purchased)'
          appended to name.
      * lp:~michael.nelson/software-center/833982-previous-purchase-no-feedback-really-this-time:
        - Implements the backend for bug 833982 so that a purchased application
          that is unsupported on the current system will be detected
      * lp:~michael.nelson/software-center/833982-previous-purchase-no-feedback-2:
        - ensure that the deb_line for the app points to the current distroseries
      [ Danny Tamez ]
      * lp:~zematynnad/software-center/rename_host_var_918270:
        - rename the env variable SOFTWARE_CENTER_BUY_HOST  to the more
          correct SOFTWARE_CENTER_AGENT_HOST, but support the former as a
          fallback, update corresponding unit test (LP: #918270)
      * lp:~zematynnad/software-center/version_number_833877:
        - show version number of apps from the software-center-agent as
          well (LP: #833877)
      [ Gary Lasker ]
      * lp:~gary-lasker/software-center/staging-certs-2:
        - add new SOFTWARE_CENTER_FORCE_DISABLE_CERTS_CHECK environment that
          can be used to disable cert checking to run e.g. against a local dev
          instance (LP: #918746)
     -- Michael Vogt <email address hidden>   Tue, 24 Jan 2012 16:13:36 +0100
  • software-center (5.1.6) precise; urgency=low
      [ Michael Vogt ]
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/startup-speed2:
        - additional startup speed improvements, brings up main window
          much more quickly
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/fix-server-pagination:
        - reset reviews "page" when showing a new app
      [Christopher Kyle Horton]
      * utils/
        - fix crash when submitting a review (LP: #912855)
      [ Anthony Lenton ]
      * lp:~elachuni/software-center/test_downloader_fix:
        - fix test hang on incorrect proxy settings
      * lp:~elachuni/software-center/check-edit-labels:
        - add test for correct labels in "Modify review" mode
        - move main RnR Helper GUI into softwarecenter.backend.rnr
          to make testing easier
      [ Gary Lasker ]
      * lp:~gary-lasker/software-center/fix-lp913756:
        - do not add an icon to the Unity launcher for packages that do
          not have an Exec entry in their corresponding desktop file,
          e.g. ubuntu-restricted-extras, wine (LP: #913756)
      * lp:~gary-lasker/software-center/search-down-arrow-lp842711:
        - select the first item in the result list when the down
          arrow is pressed during a search (LP: #842711)
      * lp:~gary-lasker/software-center/fix-lp896474:
        - fix crash when attempting to install or remove an item
          via the menu (LP: #896474)
     -- Michael Vogt <email address hidden>   Tue, 17 Jan 2012 14:19:57 +0100
  • software-center ( precise; urgency=low
      [ Kiwinote ]
      * utils/
        - use named argument as per (LP: #841000)
      * trigger .pot file rebuild
      [ Didier Roche ]
      * lp:~didrocks/software-center/oneconf-remove-computers-from-share
        - Enable (from the new spec) removing a host which isn't the
          current one from the gui.
     -- Michael Vogt <email address hidden>   Fri, 06 Jan 2012 13:03:01 +0100
  • software-center (5.1.5) precise; urgency=low
      [ Kiwinote ]
      * softwarecenter/ui/gtk3/models/
        - fix TypeError in load_range (LP: #911886)
      * softwarecenter/ui/gtk3/panes/
        - change COL_PKG to an object rather than a str (LP: #905762)
      * softwarecenter/ui/gtk3/panes/
        - fix utf8 oddness to make remote installed panes work
      * softwarecenter/ui/gtk3/widgets/
        - ensure that hostid is always a string (as we declared) (LP: #905605)
      * softwarecenter/ui/gtk3/widgets/
        - fix IndexError in set_thumbnails_from_data (LP: #888669)
      * grab exhibits for the current series only (LP: #899257)
      [ Michael Vogt ]
      * Remove explicit GObject.threads_init as initializing the threads
        explicitely causes a segfault on close but nothing more
        (LP: #907568)
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/startup-speed2:
        - improve the startup speed by moving out the (expensive) channel
          change test out of the main app into a spawned helper, also
          delays some computations and adds a cheaper way for getting the
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/icon-data:
        - remove the need for inline icon data from the agent, instead
          download icons directly using the provided URL
      * softwarecenter/db/
        - fix encoding error for some debs (based on
          lp:~roignac/software-center/bug-738771-summary-unicode), thanks
          to Vadim Rutkovsky, LP: #738771
      * softwarecenter/ui/gtk3/views/
        - fix crash in test/gtk3/
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/replace-restfulclient-with-piston:
        - replace lazr.restfulclient with piston-mini-client for ubuntu-sso
          and cleanup the piston-mini-client helper code
      [ Gary Lasker ]
      * softwarecenter/backend/channel_impl/
        - display the correct label text for the For Purchase menu item
          in the toolbar (LP: #911964)
      * lp:~gary-lasker/software-center/date-published-cleanup:
        - remove no longer needed code
      * lp:~gary-lasker/software-center/replace-restfulclient-with-piston-tweaks:
        - tweaks and fixes the branch
      [ Vadim Rutkovsky ]
      * lp:~roignac/software-center/bug-632773-selectable-title:
        - make the app title selectable (LP: #632773)
     -- Michael Vogt <email address hidden>   Fri, 06 Jan 2012 10:56:48 +0100
  • software-center (5.1.4) precise; urgency=low
      [ Michael Vogt ]
      * lp:~brendan-donegan/software-center/test_debfileapplication,
        - merged with some small tweaks to do basic tests for the
          DebFileApplication class, thanks to Brendan Donegan
      * data/
        - add new "Books & Magazines" Category (LP: #903775)
      * add support for the scagent "Support Website" feature
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/performance-probes,
        - improve accuracy of startup time measurement and add "probe"
          points to make profiling easier
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/purchaseviewspinner2:
        - add a spinner to the purchaseview both when new windows
          are opened and in the global toolbar
      * softwarecenter/ui/gtk3/dialogs/
        - trivial fix to increase the size of the expanded details
          in the message dialog
      [ Gabor Kelemen ]
      * lp:~kelemeng/software-center/bug880757:
        - Mark strings containing the “ character as Unicode, to fix their
          translations. LP: #880757
      * lp:~kelemeng/software-center/bug869935:
        - Update help translations from Launchpad. LP: #869935
      * lp:~kelemeng/software-center/bug868971:
        - Add a translator comment to the 'Top Rated %s' string, name the
         variable. LP: #868971
      [ Gary Lasker ]
      * lp:~gary-lasker/software-center/catalog-published-date-lp803028:
        - add date_published value from the software-center-agent server
          for use with cataloged time so that for-purchase items appear
          correctly and in the proper order in What's New; include unit
          tests for the new functionality (LP: #803028, LP: #886698)
      [ Robert Roth ]
      * lp:~evfool/software-center/lp905082:
        - fix typo LP: #905082
      [ Giovanni Campagna ]
      * lp:~gcampax/software-center/fedora:
        - add fedora distro backend and some cleanup in the PackageKit code
          and improvements to the AppStream xml parser
     -- Michael Vogt <email address hidden>   Mon, 19 Dec 2011 13:52:32 +0100
  • software-center ( precise; urgency=low
      * debian/control:
        - update dependency from python-gobject-cairo to
        - update Vcs-Bzr to point to trunk
      * lp:~gary-lasker/software-center/restore-screenshot-thumb-cursor:
        - restore the zoom cursor when hovering over a screenshot thumbnail
          in the details view
     -- Gary Lasker <email address hidden>   Wed, 07 Dec 2011 19:06:10 -0500
  • software-center (5.1.3) precise; urgency=low
      [ Robert Roth ]
      * Show For version x string instead of for this version when the
        app version is unknown (LP: #889080)
      [ Michael Vogt ]
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/system-wide-license-key-fixes:
        - add support for installing system-wide license keys
          via aptdaemon
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/appdetailsview-cleanup:
        - lots of cleanup for the details view code, merges appdetailsview
          and appdetailsview_gtk, increases unit test coverage
      * debian/control:
        - update dependency from python-gobject to python-gi
      [ Gary Lasker ]
      * lp:~gary-lasker/software-center/launcher-integration-for-p:
        - implement automatic adding of all newly installed applications to
          the Unity launcher per the latest specification, this can be
          disabled via menu item "View->Add Applications in Launcher"
          (LP: #761851, LP: #756599, LP: #756701, LP: #773769)
      * test/graph/,
        - create a graph to track unit test coverage
      [ Kiwinote ]
      * lp:~kiwinote/software-center/fix-icon-updating:
        - fix _update_app_icon() regression
     -- Michael Vogt <email address hidden>   Thu, 01 Dec 2011 16:03:34 +0100
  • software-center ( precise; urgency=low
      [ Kiwinote ]
      * sc/ui/gtk3/widgets/
        - don't import Gst - we don't use it at the moment
          this unbreaks startup for those who don't have gir1.2-gstreamer-0.10
          installed (LP: #893247)
      [ Michael Vogt ]
      * SECURITY UPDATE: MITM via incorrect ssl cert validation (LP: #874242)
        - softwarecenter/ui/gtk3/views/ Set the ssl-ca-file
          libsoup property so ssl cert validation works.
        - CVE-2011-3150
     -- Michael Vogt <email address hidden>   Tue, 22 Nov 2011 18:23:09 +0100
  • software-center (5.1.2) precise; urgency=low
      [ Michael Vogt ]
      * test/
        - add unit test for channels backend
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/app-treeview-buy-plus-refactor:
        - add unit test for ApplicationManager, additional tweaks
      * lp:~mvo/software-center/video-support:
        - implement the ability to display embedded videos in
          the application details view
      * softwarecenter/ui/gtk3/widgets/
        - add basic error reporting for exhibits downloading
      [ Matthew McGowan ]
      * lp:~mmcg069/software-center/app-treeview-buy-plus-refactor:
        - implement the ability to initiate a purchase from the application
          list directly and display the price there, include some nice
      * softwarecenter/ui/gtk3/widgets/
        - make hidden rows collapse properly when unselected (LP: #888463)
      [ Gary Lasker ]
      * lp:~gary-lasker/software-center/unit-tests:
        - update tests for custom lists and for launcher integration
      * lp:~gary-lasker/software-center/fix-lp891499:
        - be more robust about problems reading the cataloged_times file
          as problems here can hang the UI (LP: #891499)
     -- Michael Vogt <email address hidden>   Mon, 21 Nov 2011 13:45:29 +0100
  • software-center ( precise; urgency=low
        - list sc.backend.oneconfhandler and as packages
          this allows s-c to startup on the development release (LP: #887392)
     -- Kiwinote <email address hidden>   Tue, 08 Nov 2011 16:49:29 +0000
  • software-center (5.1.1) precise; urgency=low
      [ Matthew McGowan ]
      * fix the rtl rendering of the "more label arrow"
      * lp:~mmcg069/software-center/multi-screenshot-gallery:
        - add support for multiple screenshots for the main archive
      [ Nicolas Delvaux ]
      * lp:~malizor/software-center/fix-lp813803:
        - Time format in historypane: The translators comment was not
          extracted, which led to poor translations (eg. as reported
          in bug LP: #813803)
      [ Gabor Kelemen ]
      * lp:~kelemeng/software-center/bug875306:
        - Add translator comment: Free means Gratis, as it is used as price.
          LP: #875306
      [ Sebastian Heinlein ]
      * lp:~glatzor/software-center/portability:
        - improve portability
      [ Michael Vogt ]
      * more portability fixes
     -- Michael Vogt <email address hidden>   Mon, 07 Nov 2011 14:58:40 +0100
  • software-center (5.1.0) precise; urgency=low
      [ Matthew McGowan ]
      * lp:~mmcg069/software-center/bug861778:
        - improved method, use less widgets and fix case where user
          changes sort method in a search results list (LP: #861778)
      * lp:~mmcg069/software-center/no-nm-net-detect:
        - improve the internet connectivity awareness if network-manager
          is not available
      * lp:~mmcg069/software-center/bitesize:
        - convert the 'Write your own review' Gtk.Button to a Link style button
          (UI change)
      [ Michael Vogt ]
      * test/gtk3/
        - add regression test for bug #861778
      * test/
        - add basic test for the netstatus code
     -- Michael Vogt <email address hidden>   Thu, 20 Oct 2011 18:35:14 +0200
  • software-center ( oneiric-proposed; urgency=low
      [ Robert Roth ]
      * lp:~evfool/software-center/fixlp870595:
        - Mark the For Software Developers menu item label from the Help
          menu translatable to fix bug LP: #870595.
      [ Kiwinote ]
      * softwarecenter/ui/gtk3/widgets/
        - make 'no items match <searchterm>' display translated (LP: #870604)
        - fix markup error which causes spelling suggestions not to be displayed
      [ Michael Vogt ]
      * software-center:
        - fix --measure-startup-time
     -- Michael Vogt <email address hidden>   Wed, 12 Oct 2011 09:11:15 +0200
  • software-center ( oneiric; urgency=low
      * softwarecenter/ui/gtk3/widgets/
        - do not crash if self.appmodel is not available yet (LP: #869699)
      * softwarecenter/db/
        - fix missing i18n lookup for app-install-data (LP: #869851)
      * merge po/help from rosetta to ensure that the translated
        manual is there, this is not delivered via langpacks
        (LP: #869935)
      * test/
        - use for the testing of the license
          string data
      * softwarecenter/db/
        - fix missing i18n for license send from the software-center-agent
     -- Michael Vogt <email address hidden>   Fri, 07 Oct 2011 16:24:53 +0200