Change logs for infernal source package in Focal

  • infernal (1.1.3-4) unstable; urgency=medium
      * Team upload.
      * fix i386 build by always setting -msse2
     -- Michael R. Crusoe <email address hidden>  Sat, 07 Dec 2019 11:22:55 +0100
  • infernal (1.1.3-2) unstable; urgency=medium
      * Team upload.
      * Add python3 build-dep for `make check`
      * Secure URI in copyright format
      * Remove trailing whitespace in debian/changelog
      * Trim trailing whitespace.
      * Set upstream metadata fields: Bug-Submit.
      * Enable a verbose build log
      * infernal-doc: mark Multi-Arch: foreign (thanks Multiarch hinter!)
      * debian/patches/hardening: added CPPFLAGS to easel, rmark, and hmmer/profmark
      * Install example binaries into /usr/lib/ and symlink them into the
        doc/infernal/examples directory (fixes a FHS violation)
      * Added missing autopkgtest dependency on python3
     -- Michael R. Crusoe <email address hidden>  Sun, 01 Dec 2019 16:35:34 +0100
  • infernal (1.1.3-1) unstable; urgency=medium
      * New upstream version
        - Upstream accepted patch for reproducible builds
        - autoreconf now works without respective non-applicable patch
      * Still debian/TODO: remove code copy of hmmer
      * debhelper-compat 12
      * Standards-Version: 4.4.1
     -- Steffen Moeller <email address hidden>  Sat, 30 Nov 2019 00:03:03 +0100
  • infernal (1.1.2-2) unstable; urgency=medium
      * Fix homepage
      * Add debian/TODO: remove code copy of hmmer
      * debhelper 10
      * d/watch: version=4
      * Added references to RRID and OMICtools registries (Steffen Moeller)
      * debhelper 11
      * Point Vcs fields to
      * Standards-Version: 4.1.5
      * Fix to enable autoreconf
      * Fix spelling
     -- Andreas Tille <email address hidden>  Mon, 16 Jul 2018 12:20:32 +0200