Change logs for gnash source package in Edgy

  • gnash (0.7.2-1~edgy1) edgy-backports; urgency=low
      * Automated backport upload; no source changes.
    gnash (0.7.2-1) unstable; urgency=low
      * New Alpha Release from Upstream:
        + Polling main loop replaced with event driven framework for GTK.
        + New GUI abstraction layer supporting GTK2, KDE, SDL, and a bare
        + Movies are parsed by a background thread, so they start playing
          while still loading.
        + Plugin supports web navigation and starts playing while the stream
          is loading.
        + New AntiGrain (AGG) 2D backend added for framebuffer devices without
          OpenGL support.
        + New Framebuffer GUI for devices without X11.
        + Sound now works using ffmpeg, Gstreamer, or libMad.
        + Supports cross configuration and cross compiling for embedded targets.
        + A whole slew of minor bugs that kept various movies from playing.
      * Upload sponsored by Petter Reinholdtsen.
    gnash (0.7.1+cvs20061014.1744-1) unstable; urgency=low
      * New Upstream Release. Downloaded from CVS.
      * New soundhandler for gnash. It uses SDL (not SDL_mixer) for
        soundhandling, uses ffmpeg or libmad for mp3 decoding and replaces
        the old SDL_mixer based soundhandler. Changed --enable-sound=sdl in
      * Changed Firefox plugin directory from /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins/
        to /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/
    gnash (0.7.1+cvs20061006.1521-1) unstable; urgency=low
      * New Upstream Release. Downloaded from CVS.
      * Added usr/lib/kde3/ to konqueror-plugin-gnash so that
        Konqueror can detect the plugin. Thanks to J.Rinas <email address hidden>.
        Closes: #384477. Closes: #389445.
      * Added --without-gcc-arch to ./configure in debian/rules so that the
        build script don't pass options like "-march=prescot" to gcc even if
        the CPU of the build system supports those. Thanks to Timo Juhani
        Lindfors <email address hidden>. Closes: #390919
      * Added libboost-dev and libboost-thread-dev to Build-Depends.
      * Added cmdline.patch to solve problem of cmdline parser failure
        with "a=b.swf". Thanks to Robert Millan <email address hidden>.
        Closes: #383770
      * Removed patches: amf.patch getopt.patch
      * Leaving the CVS dirs in package. They might be useful for updating the
        source tree for testing stuff. Closes: #390283
      * Added make check to debian/rules, even though the build won't stop if
        failures are found.
      * Beautify debian/rules so that output can be more easily analyzed.
      * Upload sponsored by Petter Reinholdtsen.
    gnash (0.7.1+cvs20060924.1330-1) unstable; urgency=low
      * New Upstream Release. Downloaded from CVS.
      * Modified building system for using quilt.
      * Added gnash dependency to mozilla-plugin-gnash. Closes: #389141
      * Added libfltk1.1-dev as a build dependency.
      * Modified desktop files, they had a wrong program name. Closes: #384628
      * Added copyright notice for Bitstream Vera Fonts to debian/copyright
      * Upload sponsored by Petter Reinholdtsen.
    gnash (0.7.1+cvs20060920.2136-1) unstable; urgency=low
      * New Upstream Release. Downloaded from CVS.
      * Added build dependency: libcurl3-gnutls-dev | libcurl3-openssl-dev
      * Temporarily removed the -dev package until the API + ABI are more stable
      * Temporarily added a versioned dependency on libgnash0
      * Make package bin-NMU-able by using ${binary:Version} and Build-Depend on
        dpkg-dev (>= 1.13.19)
      * Upload sponsored by Petter Reinholdtsen.
    gnash (0.7.1+cvs20060820.2237-1) experimental; urgency=low
      * New Upstream Release. Downloaded from CVS.
      * Added icon and .desktop file shortcut.
      * Build-Depend on libxul-dev instead of mozilla-dev.
      * Made minor modifications to the code to make it compile.
      * Updated Standards-Version to 3.7.2 (no changes needed).
      * Upstream confirms that the code that kills the processes has
        been rewritten.  Closes: #374996
      * Upload sponsored by Petter Reinholdtsen.
    gnash (0.7.1-1) experimental; urgency=low
      * Initial release. Closes: #347352
      * Upload sponsored by Petter Reinholdtsen.
     -- John Dong <email address hidden>   Sat,  2 Dec 2006 05:59:06 +0000