Change logs for rinse source package in Disco

  • rinse (3.3) unstable; urgency=low
      [ Thomas Lange ]
      * control: new URLs, fix priority, update standards version
      * watch: new URL
      * Makefile: new path for completions
      * centos-7.packages: add packages and remove some
      * rinse: create /dev/urandom early, more verbose messages
      [ Dima Kogan ]
      * add fedora 25,26,27,28
      * use
      * consolidated identical scripts with symlinks
      * rinse: if a distro has no scripts I barf instead of silently skipping it,
        'pkgs-dir' and 'config' configuration keys can work locally,
        find scripts in their un-installed paths
      [ Ulrich Zehl ]
      * rinse: make RPM links work with HTTPS, Closes: #876268
     -- Thomas Lange <email address hidden>  Fri, 18 May 2018 18:58:26 +0200