Xubuntu 14.04: New features
New features for Xubuntu 14.04:
* GTK3 indicators
* Upload xfdesktop 4.11 release
* Add light-locker to the seed (to replace xscreensaver)
* Add MenuLibre to the seed (to replace Alacarte)
* Add Mugshot to the seed
* Patch Xfce4 power manager to work with systemd (or alternative)
* Create a new installable metapackage xubuntu-core
Blueprint information
- Status:
- Complete
- Approver:
- Pasi Lallinaho
- Priority:
- Undefined
- Drafter:
- Xubuntu Team
- Direction:
- Needs approval
- Assignee:
- Xubuntu Team
- Definition:
- Approved
- Series goal:
- Accepted for trusty
- Implementation:
- Milestone target:
- None
- Started by
- Pasi Lallinaho
- Completed by
- Pasi Lallinaho
Related branches
- lp:~ochosi/indicator-power/xfce4-powermanager-settings
- lp:~bluesabre/ubuntu-seeds/xubuntu.trusty_add-light-locker
- lp:~bluesabre/xubuntu-default-settings/keyboard-shortcuts
- lp:~unit193/xubuntu-default-settings/killitwithfire
- lp:~ochosi/xubuntu-default-settings/greeter-conf
- lp:~ochosi/ubuntu-seeds/xubuntu.trusty_gthumb-whiskermenu-communityartwork
- lp:~ochosi/ubuntu-seeds/xubuntu.trusty_gtk3-indicators
- lp:~bluesabre/ubuntu-seeds/xubuntu.trusty_mugshot-menulibre
- lp:~ochosi/indicator-power/recommend-xfce4-powermanager
- lp:~ochosi/ubuntu-seeds/xubuntu.trusty_light-locker-settings
- lp:~ochosi/xubuntu-default-settings/whiskermenu_defaults
Related bugs
Changes/conflicts for 12.04->14.04 upgrade:
* remove xscreensaver
* update lightdm-
Packages that we need to upload:
* xfce4-panel (4.11.0) DONE
* xfce4-indicator
* libxfce4ui (?) DONE
* xfwm4 (with depends, 4.11.1 or later) DONE
* xfdesktop (4.11.3) DONE
* gmusicbrowser (1.1.12) DONE
* light-locker (1.2.0) DONE
* menulibre (2.0.1) DONE
* mugshot (0.2) DONE
* garcon (git-snapshot) DONE
* lightdm-gtk-greeter (1.8.1) DONE
* light-locker-
* xubuntu-
* light-locker-
* More GTK3 indicators (-power, -messages, -sound, -application) DONE
* light-locker DONE
* Mugshot DONE
* MenuLibre DONE
* xubuntu-
* xfce4-whiskerme
* xubuntu-core POSTPONED
* REMOVE gthumb DONE
* REMOVE xscreensaver DONE
* REMOVE GTK2 indicators DONE
* UPDATE xubuntu-meta (xubuntu-desktop package) DONE
Work Items
Work items:
[mrpouit] Package GTK3 indicators: DONE
[ochosi] Patch indicator-power to open xfce4-powermana
[noskcaj] Patch xfce4-powermanager to work with systemd: DONE
[xubuntu-qa] Test Noskcaj's patches for xfce4-powermanager: DONE
[bregma] Upload light-locker: DONE
[lderan] Create a GUI for light-locker settings: DONE
[unit193] Create specification for the xubuntu-core metapackage: DONE
[xubuntu-dev] Execute changes in seed (see whiteboard): DONE
[xubuntu-dev] Make sure all packages are uploaded (see whiteboard): DONE
[ochosi] Refresh xubuntu_
Dependency tree

* Blueprints in grey have been implemented.