Ubuntu Translations Portal

Registered by David Planella

A web portal to unify all the available content on Ubuntu translations such as stories, announcements, language teams, documentation, etc. This should be the starting point for everyone interested to contribute or know more about Ubuntu Translations.

Blueprint information

Jono Bacon
David Planella
David Planella
Series goal:
Accepted for natty
Milestone target:
milestone icon ubuntu-11.04
Started by
Jono Bacon
Completed by
David Planella

Related branches



Work items for natty-alpha-1:
[dpm] Investigate hosting options for a staging site for the portal: DONE
[dpm] Investigate existing CMS solutions for a portal, their internationalization support, and write a brief report with the findings: DONE
[dpm] Create and set up an ul10n-portal project in Launchpad for development of the site: DONE
[dpm] Create and set up an open ul10n-portal-discuss team with a mailing list for community discussion purposes: DONE
[dpm] Create and set up a moderated ul10n-portal-dev team for community participation in the development of the Ubuntu Translations Portal: DONE
[dpm] Create and set up a moderated ul10n-portal-editors team in Launchpad for the core Ubuntu Translations Portal editorial team: DONE
[dpm] Create a mockup for the Ubuntu Translations Portal site: DONE
[dpm] Deploy a staging site for the Ubuntu Translations Portal from a cloud instance: DONE
[daker] Assist dpm with setting up the Ubuntu Translations Portal infrastructure: DONE

Work items for natty-alpha-2:
[dpm] Organize the structure and content of the Ubuntu Translations Portal staging site according to the previously created mockup: POSTPONED
[dpm] Aggregate news content in the Ubuntu Translations Portal from translations-related feeds (team coordinators, Fridge, Planet Ubuntu, etc.): TODO
[dpm] Apply an Ubuntu-Light-based theme to the Ubuntu Translations Portal staging site: DONE
[milo] Create a list of the core translations docs that would need to go on the Ubuntu Translations Portal site: POSTPONED
[kelemeng] Create a set of core docs to be hosted on the Ubuntu Translations Portal site: POSTPONED
[knitzsche] Create a document with submission guidelines for: a) user-submitted content and b) site editors: DONE
[mk73628] Assist with the Ubuntu Translations Portal content editing of docs, proofreading, life of translator: DONE
[dpm] Publish core translations documentation in the Ubuntu Translations Portal: POSTPONED

Work items for natty-alpha-3:
[dpm] File a request ticket (RT) for the Canonical IS team to deploy the Ubuntu Translations Portal site: DONE
[dpm] Create a list of top-level Ubuntu websites where we should add a link to the Ubuntu Translations Portal: DONE
[dpm] Announce the creation of the portal when it is deployed: POSTPONED


* (26 Apr 2011) Announcement postponed: RT filed, but no ETA for deployment yet. As we're nearing the release date, this will most likely be post-release.


 * No centralized place to find out how to get started with translations

 * We could put lots of things that should be in Launchpad - it is still a developer-oriented place.

 * Requirements:
   * Internationalization
   * Established tool

 * Questions:
   * Discoverability: how do we get people to land on the portal, rather than e.g. Launchpad
     - idea: maybe LoCo teams could point people there
     - links in other portals
     - ubuntu.com/getting involved
     - i18n should be linked on developer.ubuntu.com
   * Core editorial team - with guidelines
   * Others could write/promote articles for the editorial team to publish
   * People might not be able to write in English, but we should encourage them to write articles in a language they are comfortable with, but we should try as hard as possible to provide a good English translation as well (and further aim at getting even more translations)
   * This site should be *excellent*: only the very best content can get on it

 * Documentation split between "core" (recommended to be translated to all languages, and a "mandatory" read for all translators) and "optional".

 * Modular portal: reuse theme for now
 * I think we should start with things like: how to use LP translations, what is upstream-downstream, what do we translate,

 * Roadmap:
   * Deployment with i18n support
   * Content addition:
     * Newsfeed (announcements)
     * Documentation
   * Ensure discoverability: links to website

* Links to the translations portal should be available in:

• ubuntu.com
• wiki.ubuntu.com/translations
• developer.ubuntu.com (on an Internationalization section, perhaps)
• unity.ubuntu.com (on the contribute page)
• loco.ubuntu.com (although there is not yet a contribute page or links)
• The translators FB page
• The translators microblogging pages


Work Items