Ensure that a base set of packages is cross-compilable
Ensure that a base set of packages is cross-compilable from an x86 host to an ARM target. The goal is to ensure the packaging of packages in Ubuntu Core, Ubuntu Server, and a base set of desktop system libraries/
Blueprint information
- Status:
- Not started
- Approver:
- Steve Langasek
- Priority:
- Medium
- Drafter:
- Jeremy Kerr
- Direction:
- Approved
- Assignee:
- Jeremy Kerr
- Definition:
- Approved
- Series goal:
- Accepted for precise
- Implementation:
- Unknown
- Milestone target:
- None
- Started by
- Completed by
Initial implementation plan
* define exact set of packages
* define the standard cross-built environment
* set up regular automated cross builds
* will provide regular progress indication
* indicates cross-build regressions
* iterative package updates for cross-build bugfixes
* driven by results of automated build tests
[hrw 2011.11.25] apt-get install pkg-config-
[smagoun 2011.12.15] https:/
Work items:
[jk-ozlabs] define our standard method of cross-compilation: INPROGRESS
[wookey] send jk details of cross environment: DONE
[cjwatson] send jk details of cross environment (essentially superfluous now): DONE
[jk-ozlabs] establish or define canonical "cross in Ubuntu" pages: status, patching info, etc: TODO
[jk-ozlabs] define package sets: core, GUI, server: TODO
[smagoun] release ARMvX-checking tool: DONE
[hrw] fix the cross compiler default include paths to be multiarch compatible: TODO
[hrw] install package config triplet link: DONE
[hrw] link above bug to blueprint: DONE
[vorlon] send info about required variables to hrw: TODO
[smagoun] send "common mistakes" URL to jk: DONE
[adconrad] check out apache build environment: TODO
[jk-ozlabs] bug adconrad regularly about apache build environment: INPROGRESS
[cjwatson] query launchpad for per-package build times: DONE
[adconrad] change sbuild to dump out anything that might be cross-specific in build logs: TODO
Cross-build environment spec here: https:/
Script to scrape build durations from Launchpad: http://
Output when run as './build-
The times are in seconds; feel free to sort, slice and dice, or run with different parameters to your hearts' content.
-- cjwatson, 2012-01-21