Juju Training Events

Registered by Jorge Castro

Provide training and expertise on Juju technologies at physically at conferences/events, and virtually via charms schools/webinars.

People need education on what Juju can do for them to solve their production and development problems.

Blueprint information

Antonio Rosales
Jorge Castro
Series goal:
Accepted for saucy
Milestone target:
Started by
Antonio Rosales

Related branches


UDS 1303 Pad: http://pad.ubuntu.com/uds-1303-servercloud-1303-juju-training-events
ScreenCast RoadMap/Courses (Nick and mattyw volunteer to help :-)

= Real Life Charm Schools =

0. Use the GUI.
1. Hard limit 2 hours.
1. Dogfood gojuju.
1. More cross-cloud deployments.

= Promoting screencasts =
1. blog about them as they are done
2. Possibly "seed" related articles in press/websites. Most of them love free content, if we (okay, evilnick) wrote a free tutorial which also linked to screencasts, it should improve views and drag in a bigger audience


James is a sysadmin at a company and is interested in Juju and wants to share his knowledge with his coworkers with an internal training event.

Kirk is a developer who wants to get smart on Juju but needs something better than reading the docs, but can't attend any conferences where there's a Charm School.

Robert runs an OpenStack user group and wants to show people how to use Juju to get OpenStack up and running quickly for his users.

Lars meets Jason at a conference who asks him about Juju and if he's willing to do an on-the-spot charm school for his coworkers.




Develop training materials so a developer or sysadmin knows to to use Juju and charms




- This release of Juju debuts our new courseware designed so that individuals and usergroups have the materials necessary to run their own Juju Charm Schools and Events.


[notes from cloudsprint 2013-05]
Events are already planned out for the year
Current Charm School “2.0” format

Charm School rev 3
Currently Jorge does an intro, Mark walks you through a demo.
Need to be able to make sure ANYONE can run a charm school
Break up a charm school in to courseware
- Each 15 min block is a theme from a chapter of Mims’s book
- “LEGO” build a session from these 15 min blocks
- https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ag4-yvO9YpTgdENuXzE3S19xVk5abFpxb1dGMGJPU3c#gid=0

Variable Audience:
  - Intro Beginner
  - Intro Advanced
  - Charmer Beginner
  - Charmer Advanced

Overall talk structure:
  - intro to juju
  - charms
  - advanced juju
  - conference topics

Need to capture questions and comments in physical and virtual conferences.


Work Items

Work items for ubuntu-13.05:
[jorge] Charm School CourseWare (scripts, play-it-again-sam, docs). : POSTPONED
[jorge] Run at least two charm schools on G+, one towards the beginning of the cyle, one towards release.: DONE
[mark-mims] : Get your stuff out of VCS and into the courseware: DONE
[jorge] : Write after action reviews and best practices and put it in the courseware, dos and don'ts: INPROGRESS
[jorge] Generate a FAQ from the videos of questions asked from charm school: DONE
[jorge] See if mthaddon can do a few "lessons learned" screencasts/discussion.: TODO
[jorge] REGULAR G+ Hangouts, not one offs. : DONE
[mthaddon] Juju lessons learned screencast.: TODO
[jorge] Publish juju charm presentations and material on version control for everyone: TODO
[terryh] Leverage the SALES Channel for charm schools: TODO
[jorge] "What's new (improvments) in Juju 2.0" video: POSTPONED
[jorge] : Juju Unconference: POSTPONED
[mark-mims] : University Charming, ask Aaron for a SPARK charm: TODO

Work items:
[manjo] Investigate linking up with Khan Academy, demos and tutorials and whatnot.: TODO