Delivering Juju 2.0 into Ubuntu

Registered by Antonio Rosales

Regular, well QA'ed releases of Juju Core into Ubuntu Saucy, frequent backports.

Juju Core is the way forward for Juju users; we need to ensure that we are dropping new point releases into Ubuntu Saucy (and other distribution methods such as PPA/Backports) so that point releases get increased exposure, avoiding a single final late drop revision into the release.

Blueprint information

Dave Walker
Ubuntu Server
James Page
Series goal:
Accepted for saucy
Milestone target:
milestone icon ubuntu-13.10
Started by
James Page
Completed by
James Page


Jane is trying out Juju Core; she is able to pull new point releases from Ubuntu Saucy/Backports whilst she's kicking the tyres and trying stuff out.

Dave is a Juju Core developer; he gets good bug feedback on new point releases from users during the Juju Core and Ubuntu dev cycle improving the overall quanlity of the final drop of Juju Core into Saucy.

Juju Core/Ubuntu Server Team can push out a monthly point release.

Juju Core introduces a backwards incompatible change.




Ubuntu 13.10 includes the latest release of Juju Core (2.1 or whatever).


Work Items

Work items for ubuntu-13.06:
[racb] Get Go 1.1 into the archive: DONE
[gz] Move to a source based juju-core release process: DONE
Upload juju-core point release: POSTPONED

Work items for ubuntu-13.07:
Get golang 1.1.1 into the archive: DONE
Upload juju-core 1.11.2 point release: DONE
Setup golang backports PPA: DONE
Upload juju-core 1.11.3 point release: DONE
Upload juju-core 1.11.4 point release: DONE

Work items for ubuntu-13.08:
Upload juju-core 1.12.0 release: DONE
[davewalker] Follow up on backports build being fixed for juju-core: DONE
Upload juju-core 1.13.1 release: DONE
Merge golang 1.1.2 from Debian: DONE
Upload juju-core 1.13.2 release: DONE
Re-introduce juju 0.7 to saucy: DONE
Write DEP-8 tests for juju-core packages: DONE
[james-page] Backport juju-deployer + deps to stable PPA: DONE

Work items for ubuntu-13.09:
Upload juju-core 1.14.0 stable release: DONE
[gandelman-a] Merge darwin to lp:juju-deployer: DONE
[hazmat] juju-deployer options for --to and --to <container> : DONE

Work items for ubuntu-13.10:
Upload juju-core final release: DONE
Enable ARM support: DONE
Backport juju-core to 12.04, 12.10 and 13.04: POSTPONED

Work items:
Investigate automated releases of juju-core into Ubuntu: POSTPONED
[dave-cheney] verify that Juju works with gccgo: POSTPONED
[gz] Backport Juju .7 into 12.04 and 12.10 to co-exist with juju 1.11+: POSTPONED
Setup juju-core stable backports PPA: DONE
Add mongodb to stable backports PPA: DONE
Setup devel PPA for juju-core: DONE

Dependency tree

* Blueprints in grey have been implemented.

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