Ubuntu Server ISO Testing

Registered by James Page

Automated ISO testing runs daily during the current development cycle; we need to re-align to cover more types of install testing including better LVM, RAID and iSCSI root testing and cover new aspects of Ubuntu Server such as Orchestra.

Blueprint information

Dave Walker
Ubuntu Server
Needs approval
James Page
Series goal:
Accepted for precise
Milestone target:
milestone icon ubuntu-12.04
Started by
Dave Walker
Completed by
James Page

Related branches



Update 20111001:

Current ISO testing framework has been frozen; its not really maintainable past its current function in its current form.

Framework will be re-factored to be more re-usable as part of work in the QA team.

Work items that depend on new features postponed until precise+1. Requirements will be fed to the QA team.


Summary of Objectives for Precise:

1) Fill gaps in current server ISO testing scope
- Multi LVM layout test
- RAID tests
- iSCSI root tests

2) Automated testing of preseeded network installations using orchestra
- Cover mini.iso testing for all supported releases.

3) Separate ubuntu-server-iso-testing into framework and tests
- Easier management of tests without rebuilding packages
- Support for multiple releases much easier.

4) Investigate frameworks for testing the actual installation experience

Full session notes from UDS-P: http://pad.ubuntu.com/uds-p-servercloud-p-iso-install-testing

Work items precise-alpha-1:
Update ubuntu-server-iso-testing framework to support missing test cases: DONE
Separate test configuration from framework codebase: DONE

Work items precise-alpha-2:
Write Multi-LVM test case: DONE
Write RAID test case: DONE

Work items precise-beta-1:
Update test framework to support iSCSI testing: POSTPONED
Write iSCSI root test cases: POSTPONED

Work items precise-beta-2
Automated testing of orchestra: POSTPONED
Tactical solution for automated iSCSI testing: DONE

Work items:
Expand manual test cases to cover options presented during install: POSTPONED
Investigation into potential frameworks for visual testing of server and desktop installs (speak to QA): DONE

What do you think "Automated testing of preseed network installations using orchestra" will include? --Daviey


Work Items

Dependency tree

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