Cloud based loadbalancing solution

Registered by Jos Boumans

A Cloud image (or recipe) that can serve as a load balancer for cloud deployments, analogous to

Blueprint information

Jos Boumans
Clint Byrum
Clint Byrum
Series goal:
Accepted for maverick
Milestone target:
milestone icon ubuntu-10.10
Started by
Clint Byrum
Completed by
Clint Byrum

Related branches



clb-* tools (Amazon compatible commands) postponed. HOWTO for setting up a load balancer in the cloud added. Proof of concept clb project available on launchpad at clb uploaded to ppa:

maverick-alpha-3: 1
ubuntu-10.10-beta: 1
ubuntu-10.10: 1

Roadmap Notes:
If we run into time constraints, fall back to a HOWTO document as deliverable.
Spec timeboxed to 1 point each for Alpha3 and Beta

Work items for maverick-alpha-2:
haproxy - MIR (LP: #591006): DONE
cloud-loadbalancer - create proof of concept LB config backend (puppet or REST [or ssh remote command -jib]): POSTPONED

Work items for maverick-alpha-3:
haproxy - follow up on MIR and, pending approval, seed into main: DONE
cloud-loadbalancer - create proof of concept LB config backend (puppet or REST [or ssh remote command -jib]): DONE
cloud-loadbalancer - complete config storage backend: POSTPONED
cloud-loadbalancer-haproxy - create default loadbalancing templates and regen script: POSTPONED
Create HOWTO for setting up load balancer instance and node auto-registration: POSTPONED
cloud-loadbalancer-haproxy - document override procedures: POSTPONED
cloud-loadbalancer-client - create clb-create-lb: POSTPONED
cloud-loadbalancer-client - create clb-register-instances-with-lb: POSTPONED
cloud-loadbalancer-client - create clb-configure-healthcheck: POSTPONED
cloud-loadbalancer-client - document clb-* utilities: POSTPONED
Create cloud image configured as load balancer: POSTPONED

Work items for ubuntu-10.10-beta:
cloud-loadbalancer - complete config storage backend: DONE
cloud-loadbalancer-haproxy - create default loadbalancing templates and regen script: DONE
Create HOWTO for setting up load balancer instance and node auto-registration: POSTPONED
Package clb for maverick: POSTPONED

Work items for ubuntu-10.10:
Create HOWTO for setting up load balancer instance and node auto-registration: DONE
Write blog post about this feature: DONE
Package clb for maverick: DONE

jib review 20100526:
 * I'd like to cut the spec down to it's bare essential: HTTP loadbalancing frontend task/image
   * Simple storage, not configuration tool dependent
   * Access over available methods (haproxy admin tool OR ssh remote command)
   * Power user feature by replacing haproxy configuration file with user version
 * Strive for minimal complexity; 2-3
 * Suggested subcycle: alpha2 for MIR, alpha3/beta for image creation

mathiaz review 20100526L
 * it seems that we're still missing the actual use case we're trying to solve. I'd suggest to focus on describing what the end result would look like for the system administrator using the loadbalancing infrastructure: what are the different steps a sysadmin would follow to set things up (writing up a scenario for example?
 * haproxy MIR is definitely a WI for maverick.


Work Items