New database format for USN info
The current USN database is a python pickle, which is less than an ideal database format for importing into other projects. This session will discuss what alternative database format the security team could offer.
Blueprint information
- Status:
- Complete
- Approver:
- Jamie Strandboge
- Priority:
- High
- Drafter:
- Marc Deslauriers
- Direction:
- Approved
- Assignee:
- Marc Deslauriers
- Definition:
- Approved
- Series goal:
- Accepted for precise
- Implementation:
- Implemented
- Milestone target:
- None
- Started by
- Jamie Strandboge
- Completed by
- Jamie Strandboge
Note: jdstrand> now that we serve over HTTPS, shipping a hash of the database is enough and we can skip signing the db and/or the hash. We will create a monitoring script for unauthorized changes to the usn database
Note: jdstrand> json exports located in https:/
Work items:
[jdstrand] add export as JSON code (1): DONE
[jdstrand] investigate best way to sign (eg, dedicated key) (0.5): DONE
[jdstrand] investigate how to distribute public key (0.5): DONE
= Notes from etherpad =
The current USN database is a python pickle, which is less than an ideal database format for importing into other projects. This session will discuss what alternative database format the security team could offer.
- landscape, usn-website and security team are consumers
- was on people.
- now on (https)
Do we ever remove it?
- only happened once--
Preferences from landscape
- single file with current stable releases only
- https good enough? no. should also be gpg signed
- yaml can't be used. same types of problems as pickle:
* http://
* http://
* probably best to avoid yaml and potential pitfalls and deliver somehting safe
- smaller size is preferrable, but not huge. compression is probably enough when using xml or json
[ACTION] invetigate json, yaml and xml (see the size difference)
[ACTION] investigate yaml for safe load
[ACTION] timeframe to obsolete pickle file (landscape says maybe 6 months, but will get back to us)
[ACTION] investigate best way to sign (eg, dedicated key)
[ACTION] investigate how to distribute public key