SDK: Theme Engine Improvements

Registered by Zsombor Egri

Umbrella blueprint for theme engine enhancements and improvements



Work Items

Work items for ubuntu-13.04-month-6:
[zsombi] Optimize style lookup: DONE
[zsombi] Automatic property styling: DONE
[zsombi] Memory cleanup: DONE
[zsombi] Label (font) styling issues: DONE

Work items for later:
[zsombi] Failure to load theme when images loaded before SDK components: TODO
[zsombi] ItemStyle.path is (null) on start, gets reevaluated on theme change: TODO
[zsombi] Positioning & stacking of delegates is mostly undefined behaviour: TODO
[zsombi] Remove styleId (name) from ItemStyle: TODO
[zsombi] Define a convention file name for application custom theme so that it’s automatically loaded: TODO
[zsombi] Replace @qml-mapping with inline setting of style and delegate: TODO
[zsombi] Provide @-rule macro to load the current theme: TODO
[zsombi] Rework theming documentation: TODO

Dependency tree

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