SDK: Make testing easier and faster
Developer needs to be able to execute tests with minimal effort. And the tests which are executed automatically on local machine should be as fast as possible.
Blueprint information
- Status:
- Complete
- Approver:
- Zoltan Balogh
- Priority:
- Undefined
- Drafter:
- None
- Direction:
- Needs approval
- Assignee:
- Juhapekka Piiroinen
- Definition:
- Superseded
- Series goal:
- Proposed for raring
- Implementation:
- Milestone target:
- Started by
- Completed by
- Zoltan Balogh
Work Items
Work items for ubuntu-13.04:
Work items for ubuntu-13.05:
Work items for ubuntu-13.06:
Dependency tree

* Blueprints in grey have been implemented.