SDK: New Widgets
Umbrella blueprint for tracking the design and implementation of new UI Toolkit components
Blueprint information
- Status:
- Started
- Approver:
- Zoltan Balogh
- Priority:
- Undefined
- Drafter:
- Florian Boucault
- Direction:
- Needs approval
- Assignee:
- None
- Definition:
- Approved
- Series goal:
- Accepted for saucy
- Implementation:
- Milestone target:
- None
- Started by
- Florian Boucault
- Completed by
Related branches
Related bugs
[mpt] The content picker is tracked separately in <https:/
Work Items
Work items for ubuntu-
[tpeeters] "generic" Toolbar (which can be used for e.g. the Launcher, media player): DONE
Work items for ubuntu-13.06:
Share Menu (extract custom implementation from Gallery and Media Player app): TODO
[zsombi] Responsive layouts for apps to dynamically adapt when changing size/form factor/stage: DONE
[fboucault] Application background support for new visual design: DONE
Work items for later:
Stage and form factor detection: TODO
Content Picker: INPROGRESS
[kalikiana] Search Box: INPROGRESS
Combo Button: TODO
Option Selector Button: TODO
[loic.molinari] In-app performance overlay showing FPS, memory, overdraw etc.: TODO
[zsombi] Date picker: INPROGRESS
[zsombi] Time picker: TODO
Grid of buttons (e.g. shell indicator menu, telephony app keypad): TODO
Dependency tree

* Blueprints in grey have been implemented.