Add -lowlatency kernel to archives
Adding the -lowlatency kernel into the universe repository will allow Ubuntu Studio users to have a tuned kernel for audio work installed by default.
This kernel will be built and maintained by the Ubuntu Studio team, therefore it presumably would be in the universe repository. Responsibilities also include rebasing the kernel for security updates and working with -security to push updates.
Blueprint information
- Status:
- Complete
- Approver:
- Scott Lavender
- Priority:
- Medium
- Drafter:
- Scott Lavender
- Direction:
- Approved
- Assignee:
- Ubuntu Studio Development
- Definition:
- Obsolete
- Series goal:
- Accepted for precise
- Implementation:
- Beta Available
- Milestone target:
- None
- Started by
- Scott Lavender
- Completed by
- Kaj Ailomaa
Work items:
[sconklin] test - base rteval comparisons: POSTPONED
[sconklin] test - investigate jack_latency_tests: http://
[sconklin] test - add QA tests for rteval to allow comparisons going forward: POSTPONED
[sconklin] test - look for additional tests specific to audio (jack tests): POSTPONED
[slavender] test - proper documentation on what to expect from this kernel: POSTPONED
[slavender] maintenance - find two initial, primary maintainers (slavender & abogani): DONE
[slavender] maintenance - identify a third maintainer for fail over: DONE
[abogani] build - create git branch based on ubuntu kernel on git-hub: DONE
[slavender] build - package and build -lowlatency kernel in team branch: DONE
[slavender] build - submit package to REVU: DONE
[slavender] build - new team for the ubuntu-studio kernel: DONE
[timg-tpi] review -- review the packaging of the new kernel: DONE
[brad-figg] build - add -lowlatency as a derivative of -master so they get bugs to rebase: POSTPONED
[slavender] build - document rebasing script in wiki: POSTPONED
[slavender] update - coordinate with jjohansen to define security update rebase/release process: POSTPONED
Etherpad notes:
Welcome to Ubuntu Developer Summit!
#uds-p #other #other-p-lowlatency
Confirm -lowlatency performance against -generic
- coordinate testing on variety of hardware and audio interfaces
- having real 'latency ranges' for each kernel would be very good to know if this is needed and to set expectations for the consumer
ACTION: [steve-conklin] base rteval comparisons
ACTION: [steve-conklin] investigate jack_latency_tests: http://
ACTION: [steve-conklin] add QA tests for rteval to allow comparisons going forward
ACTION: [steve-conklin] look for additional tests specific to audio (jack tests)
ACTION: [scott-lavender] proper documentation on what to expect from this kernel
Maintenance Failover (i.e. who will maintain it)
- Alessio A. Bogani and Scott Lavender have committed
- probably need to identify one other person for
Build Package
- create git branch based on ubuntu kernel on git-hub (ubuntu kernel is also mirrored on git-hub)
- package and build -lowlatency kernel in team branch
- submit package to REVU
ACTION: [scott-lavender] new team for the ubuntu-studio kernel
ACTION: [brad-figg] add -lowlatency as a derivative of -master so they get bugs to rebase
Security Updates
- coordinate with jjohansen to develop plan to rebase -lowlatency for security updates
Work Items
Dependency tree
* Blueprints in grey have been implemented.