Application resolution improvements for UNR
This specification is to discuss application resolution improvements for UNR
Blueprint information
- Status:
- Complete
- Approver:
- David Mandala
- Priority:
- Medium
- Drafter:
- Ying-Chun Liu
- Direction:
- Approved
- Assignee:
- Ying-Chun Liu
- Definition:
- Approved
- Series goal:
- Accepted for karmic
- Implementation:
- Implemented
- Milestone target:
- ubuntu-9.10-beta
- Started by
- Ying-Chun Liu
- Completed by
- Loïc Minier
2009-08-04, lool: added Status: field and cleaned up list of work items with paulliu
bfiller: we should consider including the low hanging fruit changes to firefox that OEM services did to make it fit better on netbook screen.
Work items:
Package/test anjal: DONE
LP #8629, Evolution setup wizard does not fit in 800x600: DONE
LP #305019, pidgin preferences window is too tall for netbooks, cannot see close/cancel buttons, cannot be resized to fit [3 hours]: DONE
Pidgin #7548: POSTPONED
LP #320817, F-spot CDExport dialog exceed 600 pixel height when the screen is small: DONE
GNOME #569183, F-spot CDExport dialog exceed 600 pixel height when the screen is small: DONE
LP #330691, F-spot application window is over shooting the screen: POSTPONED
LP #328954, gnome-about-me does not fit in 1024x600 screen: DONE
GNOME #312283, "About Me" doesn't fit on SVGA screens: POSTPONED
LP #324464, gnome-mouse-
GNOME #554739, gnome-mouse-
LP #343483, Font Rendering Details window does not fit in 576 pixel vertical resolution: POSTPONED
LP #320146,
GNOME #568738,[PATCH] The edit-user dialog does not fit in 575 vertical pixels: DONE
LP #252934: DONE
GNOME #543387, iagno: add support to scale the tiles: POSTPONED
GDM configuration window: DONE
LP #257509, FBReader: Main Window too Large for Display: DONE
Checkout upstreamability of OEM patches for Firefox layout: POSTPONED