Ideas and concepts surrounding UI advancements in Ubuntu

Registered by Kver

Currently Ubuntu Metacity themes have a similar look and spec to previous-generation operating systems; right now the Metacity frame engine just isn't eye-popping when compared to Windows Vista or Mac OSX machines. Ubuntu, using Compiz by default has thrilling animations on the proper hardware, however if you were to take a screenshot of a computer idling, it would look no different than previous-generation operating systems (at least, in terms of graphical prowess).

Ubuntu is aged to the point where it should begin to experiment with the look and feel of the interface, and consider enhancing and adding original new tools and features to the UI so we can begin adding more intuitive controls; even if they only reach fruition several releases or years down the road. A few of these ideas (should they be elaborated on) might be better off in their own blueprints, but for now this could just be the idea bucket. Below is a list of possible additions/improvements that can help the interface take the next steps from Metacity, and their possible obstacles that might keep them conceptual for now:

-The use of widgets within window frames; Currently a few themes have "faked" it, but if we were to start by giving authors a way to embed search bars and navigation buttons, we might be able to eventually add thumbnail widgets, ribbon-like interfaces and other widgets several releases down the road. We might need to extend Emerald and Metacity, or axe Metacity and make a stripped-down non-alpha version of Emerald for lower-end systems. Widget buttons would be supplied by the Window Manager.

-True 3D interfaces; tools like Blender could be used to create 3D elements that might have more reflections, draping shadows, actual backs on windows. Imagine a tan Ubuntu window, subtly reflecting another nearby window - as the user presses the flip button (that long ago replaced the shade button) it rotates behind the other windows exposing it's dark chocolate shell engraved with the Ubuntu logo rests on the desktop - waiting to be awakened.

-Gnome/KDE themes with more emerald/compiz-like qualities; More advanced animation capacity, splash glows and on-the-fly widget animations (such as a scrollbar stretching as you pull it away from the track). Subtle use of these could dramatically improve the interface.

-The use of a "universal" filter system. This is my gripe: we have the same basic filters for several Compiz window options, but nobody has lumped them together. If a filter will apply to a window, or underneath transparent frames (such as Blur, Alpha, Hue, Saturation) we should make a univeral dialog to mix these effects for each setting. ADD will then then be the same as trailfocus, only the conditions are different. Underneath windows you could mix these effects for more than a vista-like blur (we can do better); Eventually more unique filters, such as despeckle, convert-to-alpha, mosiac or plastic-wrap (to name a few) could grace our windows.

-We should make video an option for desktop backgrounds within the background dialog. If possible, we should also make full-screen executables or screensavers possible desktop backgrounds. Helios would make an amazing background, for example.

-When Avant Window Manager becomes more mature, and capable of supporting multiple instances of itself, it should be added as an option when creating a new dock.

-Many advanced options are excluded; the addition of a "Find Tune" option could be made available to tweak finer aspects of Compiz, this could apply to things other than Compiz as well.

When I have more development time to myself, I'll begin assisting with anything we plan to do here; I'm a firm believer that a strong interface with personality is well worth any effort. If a user interface has more options to work with, it will inherently become more intuitive - we can't just copy other operating systems, we need more original concepts to take root that will eventually evolve into defining features; We are mimicking other operating systems too much, I'm sure they thought it was crazy when Linux began spinning desktops on a cube, but even Apple followed suit when they saw a genuinely good concept. Thank you.

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this was already posted on the blueprint : " I want a true 3D ..." where several interesting concepts were developed.

 - Adding this to the bucket : Each virtual desktop has it's own Background, desktop icons, onlaunch applications...
(expanding this); Why not make everything unique to a specific desktop? I would love to customize a set of panels and icons specifically for a task. To help users keep track of their layouts, an option to save and load entire desktop layouts could be made. Do lots of media work? Load your personal media desktop. Or your 3D-modeling desktop.

 - Another thing that could be done is user commands triggered by a hot key or a a hot spot or an icon that would do simple but effective actions such as : close all windows, save all windows to folder X, save and close all windows.
(expanding this); That wouldn't be too hard. It would be a matter of making a few panel icons and giving them the right commands. They could be added to the "Add to panel" dialog.

 - And for this a masta idea that i doubt windows or mac would steal since it's so more for cheap systems: with the advent of usb it is possible to connect multiple keyboards and mouses on a computer even several screens, but is there an os that can handle multiple inputs : if you get an idea if what i propose , just bounce, this is about sharing a screen for 2&more users meaning separation-collaboration; could also make the definition of PC disappear.
(expanding this); You can do that already; in many 3rd world countries that can't afford computers, this is exactly what they do to cut costs - they get a server (donated or bought) and rig it up to several monitors per station. I don't know what specifically is required to do this, but you could integrate a streamlined concept of this into the OS itself. When multiple mice/keyboards are connected, each mouse-pointer could be assigned a colour (red, green, blue) in a manner similar to Wii pointers. When additional keyboards are plugged in, a dialog would request one of the pointers to clock on the keyboard (thus assigning one keyboard to a mouse). After that, not only do you have multiple users on one machine, but they can collaborate on programs designed for it. (otherwise, if a program is already active on another mouse, the second mouse might not be able to focus the window to prevent crashes)()another technological advent is virtual machines and multi booting so when user 2 comes into the game he starts a second ubuntu that is launched beside the first one the screen is splitted into two or more and each one has a control on his side.2 players applications are launched as an online inline game allowing multiple interactions on the full screen. Closing the applications restores the multiple divisions : who are obvious : a line that split the screen or interlaced multiple pointers and input devices and a constrain on oppening application in full screen when they are not multiplayer . maybe that having multiple windows opened with transparence and a color tint would make the trick or some kinda illusion strips colored allowing multiple users focusing each of them on a different color to see a different window. Altough if this is possible it could be used for single users also.

 - Something about scrolling : isn't it so ridiculous to have a scroll bar sometimes : this make me so much think about the typewriter where you have to turn that circle to make the paper scroll : a replacement : click on the white part (the empty) of a web page or a folder, move your mouse in any direction : there is what you were looking for... : click again
(expanding this); Mouse wheel. But if you don't like scrollbars themselves, themes could be designed to only show scrollbars while actually scrolling.()another mouse gesture with windows could be middle click to move a window then click midle click&drag

 - Alt tabbing just an old habit > global view and action on multiple windows: the screen is divided into 5 parts : each parts shows an application or a folder so here's a global view on all : A-E-I-O-U
the trick is that when the pointer hovers upon A surface it makes A go full screen but even in full screen A surface (faded highlighted)is still active making a move outside this surface makes E-O-I-U go full screen. Hovering the center of the screen makes the global view reappear. It is also possible to activate the global view with a clic in the center of the screen allowing actions on A-E-I-O-U such as close move resize. Alt tabbing would then only be used as for switching Universal Program Tabs or username or virtual desktop.(could be inspired by OSX F10 but more addvancedly)

 - How about "Universal Program Tabs", instead of grouping/creating entries on docks, opening a second window (such as a second Mirage or Chess window) instead of opening an entirely new window it would (in a very firefoxesque manner) open a new tab in the old window. Dragging a tab off an existing window would split the windows, and the tab-bar itself would have the options to customize the tab functionality (E.g. "Never open this program in tabs", "Only open a tab if on the same workspace", etc). You could probably even drag the whole tab-bar off the window and make a new dock that would pop-up with a specific programs tabs.()making a 2 row taskbar it's easy to slide an application into a container or into another container by either dragging them to the container name or to the applications set associated to a container
MultiMedia(*)3d Modelling()Photomanipulation/application**/application <---- Containers row
 application/folder/application/folder <---- Applications row
*is the selected container showing the related applicationsto it
**can be dragged to Multimedia or beside folder
Each container can be saved an updated to a newer state, it is also easy to navigate trough the containers&applications with the 4 directions arrows, and asign a saving folder for all the outputs of this container
(organized whiteboard)


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