Opportunistic development with desktopcouch

Registered by John Lenton

helping applications to use desktopcouch (how do we publicise it; what do we need in the way of documentation; which apps would be good example trailblazers; how do we build a community; slip-cover and other utilities) - Rhythmbox playlists in Couch as one example

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A wiki page for community members to list their apps that use Ubuntu One, desktopcouch, CouchDB

== Abstract ==
helping applications to use desktopcouch (how do we publicise it; what
do we need in the way of documentation; which apps would be good
example trailblazers; how do we build a community; slip-cover and
other utilities)

== Documentation ==

"If you are writing an Ubuntu desktop application, here is desktopcouch,
and how to use it." "...and please don't use it as a cache. Small, personal,
important data."

(mention that SQL stuff is available on Ubuntu too)

 * Map/Reduce needs to be much better documented, better examples
 * MergeableLists need fixing or removed
 * Need very simple documentation -- "you are just storing
 dictionaries", followed by "this is what views are".
 * Desktop Couch is not CouchDB. CouchDB is an implementation detail.
 * Need to express a different domain model between desktopcouch versus couch users
 * can be interesting for people that want to share data on the web
 * getting it into apps

== Trailblazer apps ==

Small complete apps. Message is: you can build real super-big complex
applications with it (Ubuntu One, Bindwood, Evolution, etc),
[reference applications] and here are some simple complete apps
which demonstrate the way to use it to learn from [product brochure].

Having an app which really demonstrates the value of data being synced would
be good here.

 * [chipaca] couch notes (show the crud operations in couch notes)
 * [mandel] recipe book
 * [rickspencer] vocabulary app
 * [mdz] jonometer

Look to move constructed widgets out to be independent.

== Publicity ==

 * developer.ubuntu.com
 * interview DC-using app authors about how they used it
 * Facebook group? :-(
 * Identify early adopters and make them be "local experts"
 * developer manual
 * screencasts (like Rick's demo of slipcover)
 * write presentation slides that other people can add to presentations

Work Items:
[chipaca] couch notes (show the crud operations in couch notes): TODO
[mandel] recipe book: TODO
[rickspencer] vocabulary app: TODO
[mdz] jonometer : TODO
[sil] talk to jono about developer.ubuntu.com including desktopcouch documentation: TODO
[mandel] finish recipe book application: TODO
[sil/chad] adopt slipcover into desktopcouch-tools: TODO
[sil] Document a convention that if an app is interested in a database, it should add a record of a specific i-am-interested: TODO
[sil] write presentation slides that other people can add to presentations: TODO


Work Items