Desktop DX Indicators Review
We love indicators, we want to love them more!
Blueprint information
- Status:
- Not started
- Approver:
- None
- Priority:
- Undefined
- Drafter:
- None
- Direction:
- Needs approval
- Assignee:
- None
- Definition:
- New
- Series goal:
- None
- Implementation:
- Milestone target:
- None
- Started by
- Completed by
Related branches
Related bugs
== Overview ==
* Need to collect changes need
== Needed Stuff ==
* Extend dbusmenu to allow for accessibility descriptions of icons that aren't described by the label (i.e. Networkmanager signal strength)
== Requested Stuff ==
* What about a kind of tooltip system? Not using conventional tooltips, but exporting basic informations (Name, description, icon) that the desktop can or cannot render in the form it wants. ???
* No :-)
* Support for more signals on indicators icons/labels (middle click/ double click) ?
* for sound, agree to test
* in general (and appindicator in particular), mpt would like a list of use cases to judge the opportunity to add those features (in the case, I can implement them [3v1n0])
* What about movable entries for indicator application?
* What about Bluetooth On/Off?
* What about different dual monitor display mode?
* Bitesize: libindicate vala vapi file should be lowercase (as standard) bug #?
* What about joining me and messaging menu? There is already a desing for this?
Work items:
[ken-vandine] Package the Perl GObject Introspection libraries
[ted] Drop language bindings for languages other than Mono, perhaps mono as well: POSTPONED
[ted] Fix namespacing on libindicate-gtk to not conflict with libindicate: DONE
[ken-vandine] Ted will be held responsible for crimes against Python: INPROGRESS
Upstreaming the slider patch for grabs in IDO to GTK+
[ken-vandine] Port IDO to GTK+ 3
[jjardon] Fix calendar
[ted] Port libindicate to GTK+3: DONE
[ted] Investigate what needs to remain GTK+2 for XFCE and LXDE: DONE
[ted] Port indicator-applet to new panel (?): POSTPONED
[agateau] Write Qt support for AppIndicators: DONE
[agateau] Python bindings for Qt support of AppIndicators (with additional functionality in KSNI): DONE
[agateau] Port HPLIP to libqtappindicator
[ronoc] VoIP slider should be a more generic input control DONE
[ronoc] Sound Menu functionality into libunity: DONE
[jjardon] Make Datetime EDS support async
[kalikiana] Plugable backends for indicator date/time to support calendars other than EDS
[cyphermox] Look at Network Manager possible dropping of the applet and effects on libappindicator
[njpatel] Support scrolling when menus are open (unity side): POSTPONED
[ted] Support scrolling when menus are open (libindicator): POSTPONED
[ronoc] Support scrolling when menus are open (indicator-sound): POSTPONED
[3v1n0] libindicator "scroll" signal should be merged with "scroll_entry": DONE
[3v1n0] support for indicators middle-click signal: DONE
[ted] Changing indicator-messages triangle color to see which app is wanting your attention
[njpatel] Fix dual screen showing indicator open on both panels
[ted] Provide a method for application indicators to appear inside the set of system indicators (libindicator): DONE
[3v1n0] Provide a method for application indicators to appear inside the set of system indicators (unity-
[ted] Provide a method for application indicators to appear inside the set of system indicators (libappindicator): DONE
[mpt] Investigate merging me and messaging for a clearer user interaction: DONE
[mterry] Raise map library with g-c-c maintainers again (davidz and ted too): TODO
[mterry] Make map library if that goes south: TODO
[mterry] Integrate map library into indicator-datetime: TODO
[evand] Integrate map library into ubiquity: TODO