Desktop Planning for 16.04

Registered by Will Cooke

Hold plans for the sprint

Blueprint information

Not started
Will Cooke
Needs approval
Series goal:
Milestone target:

Related branches



* Review and accept rls-w-incoming for work in the X cycle
* Software Centre (moving up the list as we will have some required actions from BUD)
* Smoke testing of ISO
* U7 auto pilot tests
* Triage and targeting of Unity 7 bugs
* Triage and targeting of Compiz & Nux bugs
* Review full set of desktop seeds and make decisions on fixing/improving
* Talk about installing and running snaps on the desktop and whats involved, based on on-going meetings
* Review and make final decisions about which version of Gnome to ship in 16.04 - look at Gnome roadmap
* Review options for further upstream Gtk adoption (dropping patches)
* Review and make final decisions about which version of LO to ship
* Discuss IoT story for Make
* Review IM applications and decide if we should drop Empathy by default
* Spec out all requirements for HW accelerated video playback by default (VA API, GStreamer, drivers)
* Investigate DSP audio decoding
* Test power consumption improvements and decide if we should ask Kernel team to enable the required options - UPDATE: Patches not in the kernel yet
* Review all Python 2 dependencies and spec work to remove
* Review and fix USB startup disk creator
* Investigate Web Apps status and build a case for removal or repair
* Fix OnBoard OSK layouts and/or investigate replacing with Maliit
* Investigate upgrading Modem Manager to support 4G cards (e.g. Dell)
* Can we fix OOBE HiDPI experience?
* Dash touch improvements
* Review and make decision about whether to replace ibus by fcitx for all languages
* OSD for CapsLock status
* The race condition for media keys and ctrl-alt-t etc
* Google's touchpad driver, xserver-xorg-input-libinput
* LibreOffice releases and maintenance for: 1/ Debian-based 16.04 2/ Touch/Docviewer 3/ other supportable Desktop? 4/ LTS maintainance
* The old LibreOffice MIR or die game: gltf, opencollada, coinmp
* Click Lock
* Large mouse pointer
* Test printing stack on Ubuntu phone/tablet/touch OS
* Printing on printers which only understand XPS (if Ghostscript upstreams cooperate)
* Notifications for Mic mute shows speaker icon
* Fix upstream Gnome terminal to be a scrolled window
* Accessibility profile framework implementation discussion.
* Header bars adoption. Demo for design and discussion about the best route forward.
* Pinyin search in the dash
* Unity 8 greeter? What about lock screen?
* What to do with GNOME apps which have a single appmenu which is the name of the software (e.g "Disks")
* Systemd work - helping pitti
* GSettings apparmor isolation
* Talk testing with QA guys. Additional ISO tests, auto testing etc.
* Team working. How can we communicate better as a team?
* Logging: currently we log to a lot of different places and lack a good UI log viewer
* make gtk support dynamic menu items in the global menu better (upstreams with dynamic menus - eog, gedit, terminal - are reluctant to take invasive patches)
* icons: either consolidate our themes or fix Humanity (sizing is all messed up)
* theme update?
* any way to handle app-ids/secrets for cloud access (gdrive, see bug 1389936)
* See if we can make Unity 7 have a single bug list rather than two. The package being the main one.
* Gtk Mir hit list
* dropping libreoffice-wiki-publisher if upstream does not
* find a teamname: futurechefs or ${your_better_proposal_here} :D
* WILL: Work out once and for all what's going on with this flickering external display issue


Work Items

Work items:
Review all Python 2 dependencies and spec work to remove: DONE
Gnome roadmap (-> use 3.18, can update selected softwares to 3.20 when it makes sense): DONE
Smoke testing of ISO: DONE
Sort out Shotwell: DONE
Talk about installing and running snaps on the desktop and whats involved, based on on-going meetings: DONE
U7 auto pilot tests: DONE
[3v1n0] Fix upstream Gnome terminal to be a scrolled window: TODO
[3v1n0] Large mouse pointer: DONE
[3v1n0] See if we can make Unity 7 have a single bug list rather than two. The package being the main one (solution: using the rls-*-incoming for all U7 projects): DONE
[3v1n0] The race condition for media keys and ctrl-alt-t etc: DONE
[3v1n0] Triage and targeting of Compiz & Nux bugs: DONE
[3v1n0] Triage and targeting of Unity 7 bugs: DONE
[attente] GSettings apparmor isolation: POSTPONED
[attente] Gtk Mir hit list: TODO
[azzar1] Dash touch improvements: TODO
[bjoern-michaelsen] LibreOffice releases and maintenance for 1/ Debian-based 16.04 2/ Touch/Docviewer 3/ other supportable Desktop? 4/ LTS maintainance: DONE
[bjoern-michaelsen] Review and make final decisions about which version of LO to ship => Ubuntu 16.04 with LibreOffice 5.1 as usual: DONE
[bjoern-michaelsen] The old LibreOffice MIR or die game gltf, opencollada, coinmp: DONE
[bjoern-michaelsen] any way to handle app-ids/secrets for cloud access (gdrive, see bug 1389936): DONE
[bjoern-michaelsen] dropping libreoffice-wiki-publisher if upstream does not => : POSTPONED
[bjoern-michaelsen] bring unity menus to gtk3 upstream: DONE
[bjoern-michaelsen] discuss default theme for LibreOffice (bug 1506544): DONE
[bjoern-michaelsen] disable or kill gconf for LibreOffice (bug 1202924): DONE
[fjkong] Pinyin search in the dash: TODO
[happyaron] Meet with Colin King about ZFS: DONE
[happyaron] Review and make decision about whether to replace ibus by fcitx for all languages: TODO
[laney] Review and fix USB startup disk creator (mdeslaur did the work on this, to the best of my understanding): DONE
[laney] Review full set of desktop seeds and make decisions on fixing/improving: DONE
[laney] Review and make final decisions about which version of Gnome to ship in 16.04: DONE
[laney] look at deprecating the usb seed: TODO
[larsu] Header bars adoption. Demo for design and discussion about the best route forward.: TODO
[larsu] Logging currently we log to a lot of different places and lack a good UI log viewer - get gnome-logs in shape for default inclusion with 16.04 (including upstart logging): TODO
[larsu] Review options for further upstream Gtk adoption (dropping patches): TODO
[larsu] Systemd work - helping pitti: TODO
[larsu] What to do with GNOME apps which have a single appmenu which is the name of the software (e.g "Disks"): TODO
[larsu] icons either consolidate our themes or fix Humanity (sizing is all messed up): TODO
[larsu] make gtk support dynamic menu items in the global menu better (upstreams with dynamic menus - eog, gedit, terminal - are reluctant to take invasive patches): TODO
[larsu] fix time zone selection on desktop and drop gtk dep for libtimzonemap on the phone: INPROGRESS
[robert-ancell] Click Lock: POSTPONED
[robert-ancell] Software Centre (moving up the list as we will have some required actions from BUD): TODO
[seb128] Fix OnBoard OSK layouts and/or investigate replacing with Maliit: TODO
[seb128] Google's touchpad driver, xserver-xorg-input-libinput: POSTPONED
[seb128] HiDPI Greeter improvements: DONE
[seb128] Notifications for Mic mute shows speaker icon: DONE
[seb128] Review IM applications and decide if we should drop Empathy by default: DONE
[seb128] Review and accept rls-w-incoming for work in the X cycle: DONE
[seb128] Boot speed logging: TODO
[themuso] Accessibility profile framework implementation discussion.: TODO
[till-kamppeter] Printing on printers which only understand XPS (if Ghostscript upstreams cooperate): TODO
[till-kamppeter] Test printing stack on Ubuntu phone/tablet/touch OS: DONE
[willcooke] Spec out all requirements for HW accelerated video playback by default (VA API, GStreamer, drivers): TODO
[willcooke] Talk testing with QA guys. Additional ISO tests, auto testing etc.: DONE
[willcooke] Team working. How can we communicate better as a team?: DONE
[willcooke] Work out once and for all what's going on with this flickering external display issue: DONE
[willcooke] theme update?: INPROGRESS
[laney] sync supported seed up with pkg_depends: TODO
[willcooke] Arrange to get eviacam synced from Debian: DONE
[hikiko] Shadows for non-shaped windows: INPROGRESS
[hikiko] Enhanced Zoom for unity components: INPROGRESS
[cmiller] Speed up Chromium's start by avoiding most internal dynamic linking.: INPROGRESS

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