Developer Advisory Team Plans for R

Registered by Daniel Holbach

The DAT has been becoming better and better organised, still we need to fix the following things to be able to better accompany new contributors:
 - define checkpoints (first upload, ready for membership, ready for upload rights, etc.)
 - find changes in contributor status more easily (went inactive, might be ready, etc.)
 - bring more regularity in fulfilling our tasks
 - sync our task of helping contributors to apply with DMB meetings

Blueprint information

Not started
Jono Bacon
Daniel Holbach
Needs approval
Daniel Holbach
Series goal:
Accepted for raring
Milestone target:
milestone icon ubuntu-13.04

Related branches



 - We have a number over work-items which were carried over from last cycle.
 - We want to improve our work-flow by having a better DAT overview, where we
   can see status changes of contributors more easily, can track answers of new
   contributors better, etc. Trello is getting too unwieldy.

The DAT has been becoming better and better organised, still we need to fix the following things to be able to better accompany new contributors:
 - define checkpoints (first upload, ready for membership, ready for upload rights, etc.)
 - find changes in contributor status more easily (went inactive, might be ready, etc.)
 - bring more regularity in fulfilling our tasks (eg: keeping all the team members in loop
   while contacting contributors)
 - sync our task of helping contributors to apply with DMB meetings

We should review also.

DAT Overview v2:
    Regularly track status changes. (Activity and # of uploads)
    Mail weekly summary.
    Store feedback data in a database?
    Store data about who reached out to a contributor and when.
    Reminders about upcoming DMB meeting.
    Organize on each category people with actions related and not (likewise in that page
         for packages
    Link to the contributor wiki page on the overview so that it helps when the
         application goes through the DMB process.


Work Items

Work items:
[bhavi] release 12.10 report: DONE
[broder] start discussion about interaction plan (optimising response rate): TODO
[christophe.sauthier] start discussion about better information sharing between overview and trello board (get people off the list if necessary): TODO
[dholbach] write up a mini-spec for a dat-overview-v2 ( DONE
[dholbach] bring up mini-spec on team mailing list: DONE
[dholbach] file bugs to track dat-overview-v2 progress: DONE
[bhavi] Update template for experienced contributors to prepare them for applying for upload rights: DONE
[dholbach] Upload the code we already put together: DONE