Quality community-run testing events

Registered by Nicholas Skaggs

Calls for testing in the past have revolved around coordinating with the QA community coordinator, development teams, and requiring some admin work on the qatracker, as well as announcing the test and collecting result data.

Let's make this a more open process to allow community run calls for testing. For example,

if you have a specific application / feature you enjoy or you know often regresses, schedule a call for testing and have it added to the calendar for other community members to join in and test with you. When the day arrives, each member can go through the tests and add there results. The end result will be new bugs filed (if any) / triaged and will help ensure the best success towards having a working application / feature for trusty.

publish community call for testing calendar
provide easy process with simple checklist for members to follow in order to schedule a 'call for testing'
use the open milestone on the qatracker; 'calls for testing' should have some form of instruction for tests

Blueprint information

Not started
Jono Bacon
Nicholas Skaggs
Nicholas Skaggs
Series goal:
Accepted for trusty
Milestone target:

Related branches



Notes from the pad:

[amjjawad] I think I have a successful experience and a story to tell when it comes to this topic. One of my example is Ubuntu GNOME QA Team, which is a Sub-Team within Ubuntu GNOME Community that was created in 29-8-2013 and as of today, we have 35 members - https://launchpad.net/~ubuntugnome-qa - I think this is a milestone to have all those in a very short period of time :) also, being previously involved with Lubuntu QA for 2 months, we have had many calls for testing. I will do my best to share my experience, skills and knowledge in order to find the best approach to bring more testers. I have many ideas but the most important thing that we need to discuss, as I said on the last vUDS is to simplify the process of everything (Wiki, Testing, Joining, etc) and have ... and I insist here ... have a very active Team Leaders which should be able to organize the testers and seek for new blood to join. I think this will be a very interested topic :)

3 people from a flavor, not all technical users

Need to be specfic for testing

    Should we use the qatracker

    requires admin to add tests/milestones potentially if they don't exist

    use a wiki page

    List task,

Need to be able to communicate plan

    Do something like the fridge calendar?



    just use a wiki?

Need some form of testcases (even if it's just exploratory testing)

How to share findings / aka how to report what happened?

    use another wiki page?

    link from same page?

    send to mailing list?

    use the qatracker report

    how many people tested, bugs reported, results, etc

    email raw text to mailing list

    copy the archived email to the wiki for preservation

Testing event needs to have a driver(s)
Testing event should have a timeframe

    Short is preferred; 1 day, 4 hours, 2 days?

    realtime is preferred. meet on irc, help confirm bugs

Need testcases; testing should be specific

    testcases can also be for triaging bugs or driving bug counts, etc

Fill out wiki page template that matches what the wiki page listed would have?
Should announce on the mailing list once final


Work Items

Work items:
[amjjawad] mockup wiki-page for testing calls: DONE
[nskaggs] announce initative to everyone (ml, blog, etc): DONE

Dependency tree

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