Ubuntu Desktop Cloud Images

Registered by Scott Moser

A popular request for UEC and EC2 is for "Desktop" images. This comes from both desktop users and server administrators.
Since lucid, we've produced unofficial '-desktop' UEC images. Could we produce official -desktop images ? What would we use for remote UI?

Blueprint information

Robbie Williamson
Scott Moser
Scott Moser
Series goal:
Accepted for natty
Milestone target:
milestone icon ubuntu-11.04
Started by
Robbie Williamson
Completed by
Robbie Williamson

Related branches



 The intent of this blueprint is to bring the state of the ubuntu desktop in the cloud images forward, but not yet to the point where it could be offered as an "official" offering. With experience, the goal would be to make 11.10 with official images.
the matrix of feature sets should include at least:
 * dependencies
 * souce code maturity
 * speed
 * opengl
 * license
 * sound
 * video

Work Items alpha-2:
create matrix of remote desktop desired features: DONE
collect matrix info for x2go server: DONE
collect matrix info for freenx: DONE
collect matrix info for neatx: DONE
collect matrix info for x2go client: DONE
collect matrix info for nomachine client: DONE
collect matrix info for qtnx: DONE
collect matrix info for vncserver: DONE
collect matrix info for preferred vnc client: DONE
[kirkland] file MIR for xserver-xorg-video-qxl, Bug #709537: DONE

Work Items alpha-3:
[smoser] get freenx in universe package updated from stgrabers: DROPPED
[smoser] create desktop AMIs to include x2go server: POSTPONED
[smoser] verify functioning Unity 2D: POSTPONED
[canonical-desktop-team] add additional packages to desktop image to ensure a great user experience, e.g. flash, etc: DONE
[james-page] investigate any issues with the x2go Webclient applet: POSTPONED
[davewalker] awstrial campaign work: DONE
[kirkland] geolocation for aws server assignment: POSTPONED
[smoser] write cloud-init templates for desktop: POSTPONED

Work Items 11.04:
[canonical-website-editors] create Ubuntu Webtrial pages and login frontend: TODO
[canonical-website-editors] document how to use remote desktop on images: DROPPED
[canonical-server] blog about remote desktop images in the cloud: TODO
[davewalker] geolocation for aws server assignment: DONE
[smoser] write cloud-init templates for desktop: TODO
[james-page] investigate any issues with the x2go Webclient applet: POSTPONED
[smoser] verify functioning Unity 2D: DONE
[smoser] create desktop AMIs to include x2go server: POSTPONED

Other items (for 11.10 and going forward):
get x2go server packaged, into universe: TODO
get x2go client packaged, into universe: TODO
get x2go web applet packaged, into universe: TODO
get x2go nx dependencies (if different) into universe: TODO

pitti, 2011-03-25: desktop CD has all components that will be shipped in 11.04, and Adobe flash will definively not be installed by default.


Work Items