Content Hub Roadmap
Discussion of the content-hub roadmap. We'll talk about features planned through 14.04 and API improvements that developers should be aware of.
Blueprint information
- Status:
- Not started
- Approver:
- Jason Warner
- Priority:
- Undefined
- Drafter:
- Ken VanDine
- Direction:
- Needs approval
- Assignee:
- Ken VanDine
- Definition:
- New
- Series goal:
- None
- Implementation:
- Unknown
- Milestone target:
- None
- Started by
- Completed by
Road map for 14.04
Features ready to land
* Content Hub Service
* Added Exports initiated by the Source
* Added Share initiated by the Source
* Added Share handler
* QML bindings
* Refactoring of the QML API, more declarative
* Added ContentPeerPicker component to provide UI for choosing peer applications
Landing this will require landing branches the following:
* gallery-app (READY)
* addressbook-app (TODO)
* ubuntu-
* unity-webapps-qml (TODO)
We're building packages in a preview PPA for developers to start trying out the API changes:
Addition features being worked on
* Download manager and Transfer indicator integration
* Depends on download manager features and transfer indicator
* Linking files (instead of copying) during transfer when possible
Work Items
Work items:
* [ken-vandine] gallery-app updates for C++ API changes: INPROGRESS
* [michael-sheldon] addressbook-app updates for API changes: TODO
* [ken-vandine] ubuntu-
* [abreu-alexandre] unity-webapps-qml updates for API changes: TODO
* [mandel] Download manager features needed for for content-hub controlled downloads: TODO
* [diegosarmentero] Download manager QML API for content-hub controlled downloads: TODO
* [charlesk] Transfer Indicator: TODO
* [ken-vandine] Linking files (instead of copying) during transfer when possible: INPROGRESS
* [michael-sheldon] browser-app support for uploading (attaching content): TODO
* [bfiller] messaging-app support for MMS, picking via the content-hub: TODO
* [seb128] adding ringtones in system-settings, get design input: TODO
* [michael-sheldon] gallery-app, switch to using the QML API: TODO