Comment 60 for bug 2044657

Revision history for this message
Mauricio Faria de Oliveira (mfo) wrote :

Hey Chris,

> ... the primary way that users get zfs in Ubuntu is via the module built with the *kernel* image.
> ... fixing that requires a zfs-linux upload and then a further kernel upload to pull in the new zfs.

Yes, fixing the zfs modules shipped with the kernel packages require uploads for zfs-linux and kernel packages.

Additionally, users can build zfs modules locally with the zfs-dkms package (from zfs-linux; similarly to the kernel package build).

This may be useful after the new zfs-linux is available but before a new kernel package (based on it) is avaiable.

Hope this helps!

For reference,

$ lxc launch ubuntu:mantic --vm -c limits.cpu=2 -c limits.memory=2GiB -c security.secureboot=false mantic-vm-zfs
$ lxc shell mantic-vm-zfs

# modinfo zfs | head -n2
filename: /lib/modules/6.5.0-15-generic/kernel/zfs/zfs.ko.zst
version: 2.2.0-0ubuntu1~23.10

# dpkg -l | grep zfs

# apt-cache show zfs-dkms | grep -m1 Source:
Source: zfs-linux

# apt update && apt install --yes zfs-dkms
Setting up zfs-dkms (2.2.0-0ubuntu1~23.10.1) ...
Loading new zfs-2.2.0 DKMS files...
Building for 6.5.0-15-generic
Building initial module for 6.5.0-15-generic

# modinfo zfs | head -n2
filename: /lib/modules/6.5.0-15-generic/updates/dkms/zfs.ko.zst
version: 2.2.0-0ubuntu1~23.10.1

# modprobe zfs

# cat /sys/module/zfs/version