Comment 17 for bug 315889

Revision history for this message
Tormod Volden (tormodvolden) wrote :

There used to be a hook in modprobe that would only load the fglrx module if "fglrx" was specified as the driver in xorg.conf. Now that xorg.conf is not used any longer (for ati at least, and I suppose for fglrx neither?), this is no solution. I guess our X has been patched to prefer the fglrx driver if it is installed. One ugly way would then be to only load the fglrx module if fglrx is installed.

Adding a "fglrx breaks ati" would most precisely describe the truth, but it we don't really want people to uninstall ati because they want to try out fglrx.

At least there should be some dependency between linux-source-fglrx and the fglrx package so that uninstalling fglrx will uninstall linux-source-fglrx as well. asac, did you keep the fglrx package and switched to ati in xorg.conf? This scenario should ideally be handled by the above mentioned module hook.

We might need a stronger warning in Restricted Manager to keep people from installing fglrx. Hopefully we can soon stop supporting it, and leave it to ATI to sort this out in their own offering.