Comment 12 for bug 104337

Revision history for this message
Simon Ruggier (simon80) wrote :

JamesRichardson: is there something preventing you from using the FeistyUpgradesManual page to upgrade your system?

If so, you might also try setting up your system to use your root partition to store /boot in. This involves running:

# cp -a /boot /tmp/boot.backup
# umount /boot
# cp -a /tmp/boot.backup/* /boot

and then:
-commenting the line that mounts /boot out of your fstab
-editing your /boot/grub/menu.lst to point to your root partition instead of the /boot one
-reinstalling grub to the hard drive you boot from with something like:

# grub
grub> root (hdx,y)
grub> setup (hdx)