Comment 7 for bug 886305

Revision history for this message
Martin Wildam (mwildam) wrote :

Honestly: I find neither Gnome 3 nor Unity to push Ubuntu or Linux much further on the desktop. For me both are not intuitive although I have seen a lot of different GUIs and Desktop environments and consider myself being flexible in adopting to new/other environments.

Since 10.10 I tested all the major desktop environments. Since I tested them the first time, I think XFCE developed best. That impression is confirmed by many peers currently considering move to Xubuntu. Others moved to Mint which I do also consider as a quite good distro. I personally considered removing all my Gnome Panels on my 10.04 work machine and using the Gnome Desktop in combination with AWN (which I personally prefer over Cairo Dock). The interesting thing: From the ground idea Unity is not so far away from my optimum desktop. There are good ideas and I appreciate to have yet another choice for my desktop environment.

I always was convinced that Unity is planned to be configurable.

My major critics: Why the hack switch to unity as primary desktop environment when it is still that beta stadium?!?
Ubuntu has switched to Unity too early!

My minor critics: I consider other issues or focus points more important than introducing yet another desktop environment. Canonical could also have decided to help developing XFCE and choose that as further primary desktop environment for Ubuntu. It is a well known problem of the whole Linux community that sometimes forces should be united rather than everybody is doing his own stuff.

All that said: I can understand the decision to develop an own desktop environment as Gnome 3 is not moving into the right direction IMHO.