Comment 6 for bug 1010858

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Rachel Greenham (rachel-strangenoises) wrote :

Something to note:

The volumes I have that are showing up twice are mounted under /media but have entries in fstab - basically I want them to show up in launcher/nautilus but they're internal drives I want to have mounted automatically, and this was the only way I could make it happen. The two relevant lines in /etc/fstab are:

LABEL=Spinner /media/Spinner ext4 rw,nosuid,nodev,uhelper=udisks 0 0
/dev/md0 /media/Vault ext4 rw,nosuid,nodev,uhelper=udisks 0 0

This has been working fine for the last two or three versions of Ubuntu. :-) And works in Unity2D. And Nautilus sidebars, where each volume only shows up once. So it's a Unity (3D) bug and it's new. :-D

I also note that while the bluray disc (obviously not in fstab) showed up with two icons yesterday, it isn't doing so today, so it's less repeatable in that case. It's possible when it did do so yesterday, the disc was in the drive at boot time; whereas this time round it wasn't.

Also when I plug in a "new" external drive (ie: not already known about in fstab) it seems to only produce one icon, as you'd expect.

So the route to reproducing the bug may be to do as above: Have an internal drive you want mounted with udisks at boot time by putting lines in /etc/fstab with uhelper=udisks.

I would also be happy with an alternative way to have internal volumes mounted at boot automatically *and* working as icons in launcher etc. I can confirm, by the way, that they're not mounted twice.

Also, I just did a 'mount' and see that new volumes (the bluray, the external drive) show uhelper=udisks2 rather than uhelper=udisks. I shall try changing the lines in /etc/fstab to that, but that experiment has to wait while something else (that's working on those drives) finishes.