Comment 1 for bug 1220427

Revision history for this message
Seth Arnold (seth-arnold) wrote :

I reviewed simplestreams version 0.1.0~bzr307-0ubuntu1 as checked into
Saucy, and skimmed the lp:simplestreams checkins after 307. This is not a
full security audit, but a quick gauge of code quality.

- simplestreams provides standardized ways for cloud providers and guests
  to manage operating system images, tools images, asset images, etc., so
  that specific versions and 'latest versions' can be discovered and
- Build-depends upon python and python3 usual, and python3-yaml
- Depends upon python3-yaml, gnupg, python3-requests, python-boto,
  python-glanceclient, python-keystoneclient, python-swiftclient
- gnupg used for signing json descriptions of resources and validating
  json descriptions of resources
- Uses other libraries for openstack or aws networking, urllib for http
- Does not daemonize
- No initscripts
- No dbus
- No setuid
- No sudo
- No cron
- Nice test suite has positive and negative tests
- Clean build logs
- Three lintian warnings, one lintian error

- Subprocesses spawned extensively, 'subp' wrapper handles input, output,
  and throwing exceptions if programs exit with error statuses. Arrays are
  used to construct arguments.
  'call_hook' can execute hooks, similar to 'subp', also uses an array to
  construct arguments.
- Extensive file operations, names are constructed off simple
  manipulations of supplied data, looks safe
- Logging looks safe
- Environment variables are used for selectively disabling known-broken
  images, selecting gpg keys, and modifying gpg batch mode
- Extensive use of encryption, safety relies upon gpg returning an error
  status if it discovers a problem, this is probably a safe assumption.
- Can encode md5, sha256, sha512, of images
- Checks one of the hashes in the (potentially signed) .json files
- There are no privileged portions of code
- No WebKit
- As an especially nice bonus, there are pylint annotations throughout

This is a complicated piece of software, more than the "simple" in the
name may imply, but it is programmed well and has a nice test suite run
during the build.

I would prefer if there were no "unsigned" modes of operation to reduce
the chances of making a mistake in the signed data handling -- there are
code paths that have to handle both cases scattered throughout.

There is a potential problem in the 'checksummer' class: __init__() will
pick one of the available hash functions for use when validating images;
I believe the logic in __init__() will pick the strongest function
available but it surprises me that of the listed hashes in a stream,
only one will be used to validate the images.

Security team ACK for including into main.
